Baby sleep consultant reddit For me, it was a lot easier than forcing a nap schedule and everything that entails. I won't go into details it would be too long. Since 11 weeks old , shes been in her own room , goes down at 7. Using set times for naps and allowing baby to fuss for 10-15 minutes after the first sleep cycle was instrumental in getting baby to take two long naps a day at reliable times Can I ask how old you baby is? I think something no “sleep training” or “consultant” wants to be made know that ALOT of babies catnap. Would also love recommendations for sleep consultants you used! May 14, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). The wheels fell off when he started daycare at 8 months old and he’s now 14 months old and sleeping worse than ever - frequent waking, split nights, early morning wakes - you name it, he’s doing it. They prey on desperately tired parents and string them along until baby gets through whatever regression/phase they’re going through and say “look! Our technique worked, recommend us to all your friends”. We actually worked with a sleep consultant with him because nothing was working until we worked with the consultant. She’s been having EMW and still can’t connect Nap sleep cycles, and I think the transition from 3 to 2 is round the corner. Keep her close and sleep with her (SAFELY - use a pepi pod or similar to keep safe - this is super important). Sleep debt is real. I reread your post and realized you don't mention night sleep. At 3. Your baby or child is not a "bad" sleeper, rather they haven't yet learned the skill of independent sleep. May 18, 2022 · A baby or toddler sleep consultant works with you to establish healthy nap and bedtime patterns. I felt groggy after getting my first 5 hour chunk of sleep. We have tried various methods of sleep training with no success. We hired a sleep consultant. FALSE REVIEWS. My baby can also sleep just about anywhere, in a carrier or carseat, on a mat on the floor, because I never got him Is it worth it to go for sleep consultants? My baby boy is 4. Would love some insights from those you have hired sleep consultants or sleep trained from just gathering free info online. Does anyone have a baby sleep consultant they’ve used in Wellington? Their method is that you build up sleep pressure before going thru with training. Even then he only took 30-45 minute naps but they were predictable times at least. If you can afford it, and you’re ok with having essentially a stranger sleep train your baby, it’s worth the money IMO. , a key part of sleep training my baby with a sleep consultant (I didn’t sleep for 14 months, which was making me lose my mind—literally, in terms of logical thinking) was learning the difference between a “complaining” cry and an anguished cry. Consultant was jubliant because her process 'worked'; I was not because prior to any consult, we could get baby to sleep on her own in minutes and she slept for 40 minutes! We went in to resettle. They took the time to get to know me and my kiddo, our temperament and personality. So you’re going to stick to the schedule you’ve got going and putting baby down for sleep however you usually do. Your baby will be fine without a sleep schedule. Let’s meet your child right where they are He’s still crying before every nap/bedtime. With the help of In my personal experience, my baby's sleep has been a wild ride since the 8 week mark. With the help of Jul 22, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). Yes, I hired a sleep consultant to do 2 overnights where she essentially sleep trained him (soothed him in his crib rather than picking him up, reduced night feeds). May 9, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). I know some are covered by insurance when they are social workers. With the help of 27K Followers, 505 Following, 615 Posts - Baby and Toddler Sleep | Riki (@babysleepmaven) on Instagram: " ️Sleep help without judgment 懶 ️Babies and kids: 0-6 years ️1,828 babies sleeping better ️FREE SLEEP GUIDES " Nov 21, 2023 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). Together we’ll set sleep goals and develop a personalised sleep plan that will help even the most restless baby develop healthy sleep habits. This might just be my opinion so take it with a grain of salt but sleep consultants are a scam. Her strategy is essentially moms on call, focusing more on a schedule rather than wake windows. I hope you can find help soon - more importantly, I hope you get some sleep soon. It only made our baby cry worse. With over 12 years in the field, I have supported more than 150,000 families and trained 1,500 sleep consultants worldwide. With the help of . I’m up to speed on the sleep training literature regarding independent sleep, wake windows etc. A week ago we hired a sleep consultant for help with short naps and independent sleep for my very stubborn 7 month old. When his first nap is crap, the 2nd nap doesn’t come soon enough. We want to help you and your children sleep through the night. Sep 5, 2024 · I did just a consultation call with The Sleep Consultant (Canada) and it was really helpful. It worked a charm - the kid started sleeping through the night for the first time ever, until about a week later when he got a viral rash, could barely sleep at all, and reverted back to his old We hired a sleep consultant when he was 7 months old and had some initial success where we no longer need to rock him to sleep. Hi all, feel free to delete if not allowed to post. 5 month she started waking every hour in the snoo. I booked in to a well known gentle sleep consultant when she was 6months and it was an awful experience. I created Taking Cara Babies to help babies and toddlers sleep so the whole family can thrive. We texted constantly for about two weeks and whenever she needed encouragement during regressions. Whether purchased or written by supportive friends and family, this is the biggest red flag in my book. With the help of I looked and we paid $500 for a complete one-on-one consultant package. Many families share your situation and 2) any baby can learn to sleep. The first few days are hard but once they are settled into it , its a game changer. You’re also going to be capping baby’s sleep if they sleep past a certain time (for both naps and night time sleep). With the help of Any takeaways that wouldn’t necessarily be found in any of the sleep books? I’ve read the 12 hours of sleep by 12 weeks book, precious little sleep, and taking Cara babies guides but there’s sooo much info in them I don’t know where to start. Learning the art of independent sleep is Dec 4, 2023 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). I’ve already consulted with a sleep specialist and lactation consultant, all completely free!! And you can also send follow up messages on the app and they respond within 24 hours (in my experience often much sooner). Planning to hire a senior consultant from sleep wise consulting to sleep train my 7 month old baby who went from being such a great sleeper to waking up every 2-3 hours. You can get advice on potty training, talk about breastfeeding, discuss how to get your baby to sleep or ask if that one weird thing your kid does is normal. He sleeps for 5-6 hours and then… Sleep consultant said we need a better schedule, so we tried to stick to that but then she got three illnesses back to back so had to wait til she was better. On week 2 with sleep consultant and baby is going down to sleep wonderfully and sleeping for almost 6 hours with almost no interruptions. Guess we totally jinxed our luck , sigh! If there aren’t any physical issues like colic etc. Looking for support to get your baby sleeping through the night? Get the help you need now, with expert and personalised support in your home or virtually. She is sleep science based and reassured me that I can sleep train if I want, but all choices are valid. That was 2 months ago, and my baby now sleeps 7-8 hour stretches in his crib, wakes up for one feed, then sleeps a couple more hours back in the crib. Also - try to get one support person to take baby for a walk early in the morning, while you catch up a bit on sleep. Everyone is more rested. Get your microscope out before you submit payment. The first thing to set up to give yourself the best chance of sleep training success is to establish a schedule or rhythm with age appropriate wake windows- (scroll down for the chart, can skip the article if you like) so baby isn't over or under tired at bed time. Yes. This reminds me of the time we hired a sleep consultant for one of our kids. My 6-week-old has done really well sleeping in the bassinet attached to the pack-and-play in the living room during the day, but as she's getting bigger, her 19-m/o sister's toddler noise is getting to be an issue hindering her sleep, and we finally got around to installing the baby monitor camera back there, I've been trying to get her to sleep in the bassinet in the bedroom. I had previously read Precious Little Sleep and had browsed 2 other sleep books. And I got useless, generic suggestions. Fellow overtired dads, have any of you ever hired a baby sleep consultant? What were your thoughts? We are fairly well researched and tried a couple different sleep training methods on our own. I feel it must be a mixture of both. Learn everything you need to know about hiring a sleep trainer or coach. Thanks! 😴😴😴 Id 100 % reccommend a sleep consultant. We bought a snoo and sleep improved for about a month (and by improve I mean she slept 4 hour stretch). My baby is nearing 6 months old and sleeps terribly. The consultant didn't tell us anything that wasn't articulated in sleep books, but her value was in clarifying things, providing personalized feedback and providing emotional support. So yes, I’ve been able to sleep train my baby a little but it has been my absolute obsession and it’s causing me so much anxiety. Our sleep consultant (SC) offered us a menu of three choices that basically aligns with extinction, Ferber and the "chair" method. How you do that depends on what you are comfortable with as a parent, and your kid’s needs, but generally it involves some sort of sleep training (assuming you do not want to, or physically cannot, wait it out). . From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. No real instructors or lessons, just a bunch of information that the sleep consultant thinks is good to teach. With out any sleep training (just watching wake windows and a consistent routine) my son put himself on a 2 nap schedule of 1. My son took 30 min naps until he was 7 months. My back was so messed up from rocking and bouncing my baby to sleep and I was in constant pain. We just don’t have the kind of income to be able to afford pricey, sleep consultants. My baby's sleep improved dramatically with www Sleep Baby org —he now falls asleep in 45 seconds, thanks to a teacher's tip. For context my baby is 4 months old. Looking for a sleep trainer for my 6 month old. We assumed baby was low sleep needs and needed long wake windows (we were at 3/3/4 before ST). its all about routine. I talked to my sister through her whole process of sleep training. With the help of I have an 8 week old baby and debating if I should buy a swing or bouncer (or neither). These had some good initial effects but her sleep has plateaued to waking up 2-4 times a night at 8 months. I didn’t know until my friend told me that sleep consultants are covered by insurance if they are a registered social worker! I used one and it has changed my life. They are one of the original schools and I believe the only one that is actually Accredited. I actually just booked an appointment with a sleep consultant today. Very best luck. His night sleep improved almost immediately - in the first few days he slept through the night. I got a sleep consultant at 4 months to help with my baby falling asleep independently. It has been a total flop. I'm writing about the rise in baby sleep consultants and I'm looking to hear stories from new parents about how getting caught up in the baby sleep instagram/tiktok world affected their postpartum experience. Now it's rather 20-40mins. May 3, 2024 · A professional sleep consultant could help put your baby or child’s sleep issues to rest for good. I’m at my whits end with baby’s sleep. FOR A WHOPPING 30 MINUTES. But the immediate support via messaging around questions of naptime and what to do in certain situations has proved pretty valuable. We worked a lot on scheduling to help my baby with getting longer naps. My baby was always such a terrible sleeper. That's it. If baby still wakes after night weaning and an appropriate schedule, baby might just need some practice connecting sleep cycles. and this is our second child so I don’t need a beginner package - I really just need someone who can dive right in and help solve our particular issues. I do believe sleep consultants don’t have any big secrets/magic, they just have outside perspective, patience, and experience. The sleep consultant we used used to work at Masada sleep school, and we found her to be amazing. Ridiculously expensive for a 60min consultation where the consultant hadn't even read the sleep diary and intake form I'd painstakingly completed. But I basically didn't sleep more than 2 hours straight since she was born, and the 2 hours was 4months ago. We exited, baby still wailing, and at 1hr15mins, the crying stopped and LO slept. I’ve already spoken to Plunket. 5 hour naps. I’m going back to work in a few weeks and need to sleep better. Yes, independent sleep is a skill that is learned over time! Some children come by this easier than others even among siblings. It also helps with all the little details, for example- my SIL recently used a sleep consultant and could message her saying "the baby woke up at 4:30am and wouldn't go back to sleep" and the consultant would tell her exactly what time to put the baby down for its first nap, and work out a whole plan for the day based around nap times, bed I've mentioned this business so many times it might be starting to sound ridiculous, but Just Chill Baby Sleep have been great for me. With the help of Jul 8, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). Just paid attention to sleepy cues. They have actual instructors, if you dig deep many of the other programs are just led by another sleep consultant. A 5 month old should be in 3 naps a day. How to Spot Fake Reviews? Look at Google and Yelp. She’s gone from napping horribly and unreliably to not napping at all, and the nights have become a big problem again. Posted by u/A_L_734 - 3 votes and 13 comments Aug 9, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). Can anyone recommend a good sleep consultant? (I’m in Canada if this makes a difference). I'm also a mom to four kids, so I know first-hand how important good sleep is for your entire family. Does anyone have experience, good or bad, using sleep consultants? My wife and I are at our wits end with our 15-month old. With the help of Posted by u/Banana4liife - 5 votes and 18 comments Failure was not an option for me. They have courses, phone calls and free blogs/youtube/socials that provide advice for things like routines at different ages, suggested nap lengths, tips for how to drop naps, self soothing, transfer from arms to cot, with loads of other stuff mixed in. The point here is that I'm extremely sleep deprived. Sleep Well Children is here to provide you with customized sleep support and sleep plans for newborns, babies, children, and adults. Since she's been better we've meant to be aiming for 8pm bedtime, 7am wake up and nap from 12-2, but that might reduce if it turns out she needs less sleep. OP's sleep consultant's recommendation to stop all night feedings so suddenly I feel is a bit much to put on an infant who is truly just hungry at night. We went with Ferber to start, but it trended toward extinction at times because our LO did not find the checkins soothing. We thought it was maybe the swaddle but then with arms out it was even worse. My baby hated going to sleep with a fiery passion, got easily over tired and would literally scream and take hours to go down. at first I thought sleep consultants prey on tired confused parents because the approach is pretty much a carbon copy of the book sleep sense. With the help of Dec 31, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). This is not to say that hiring a sleep consultant has no value though. With the help of Feb 5, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). 30pm and sleeps till 7. The past week she has been sleeping from 7pm to about 5-6am, wake for a feed, then sleep another hour to 7-8am. I worked on weaning baby off night feedings when my baby was even younger, but it was a gradual process. My 3 month old is only averaging about 11 hours per day: 3 hours of total nap time from 20-40 minute cat naps, and two 4 hour stretches at night. I am working with a sleep consultant because he has had terrible nighttime sleep his whole life. Absolutely saved our sanity. Hiring a Sleep Consultant? Watch for these 5 red flags. 5 months old and is having trouble sleeping at night. This was almost 4 years ago now, but from memory it cost somewhere between $400 - $600, but it was the best money we ever spent and 100% worth it for us. Jan 7, 2025 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). Before the sleep consultant, he was waking 4-6 times a night to nurse. With the help of Become a Baby Sleep Consultant At The Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting® At IPSP, you can become a sleep consultant who helps parents live a vibrant life with their little ones each day by coaching them to establish healthy sleep hygiene routines that will bring peace and harmony to bedtime and so many other moments. He wakes every night around midnight to 1 am and just rolls around in his crib I'm a neonatal nurse, wife of a pediatrician, and a certified pediatric sleep consultant. I really wish there had been a smaller initial consult option such as the one you are talking about, but I think the options at the time were one-on-one or online training course, and we really thought the one-on-one was our best solution as I needed immediate help. She cost about $3k and spend three full nights at our place with the baby. (We are meeting a baby sleep consultant) Worked great after 2-3 nights. My baby went from waking every 2 hours at night and taking only 30 minute naps to only waking up once and taking 1. Get 1:1 Support from a Baby Sleep Consultant. A good, honest consultant would give you a solid summary of baby sleep development and then help you come up with a plan that works for your specific baby and your unique situation. I really don't want to use a swing, as baby doesn't need to be rocked to sleep and I worry this will develop into a bad sleep habit - and of course it's not safe to sleep in (although babies fall asleep in them all the time). Aug 23, 2023 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). The snoo has been helpful in so many ways, but one of the main reasons I got it was to try to avoid sleep training and I’m feeling disappointed. Every time we get some progress, our daughter takes two steps back. With the help of As the founder of Baby Sleep Consultant, I combine my sleep consulting, biology, and education certifications with my experience as a mother of three to help families achieve better sleep. With the help of If sleep is not easy for babies between 3 and 18 months of age, they simply need your help to learn how to do it better We all wake up between sleep cycles, but we know how to get back to sleep She’s too old to be put to bed fully asleep. I read every book, talked to sleep consultants, Reddit, friends, family etc. Posted by u/hippo_hippo - 1 vote and 3 comments ETA: I absolutely don’t disagree with actual sleep training, it’s the strange industry of infant sleep consultants selling their services on Instagram (looking at you TCB) and suggesting we ‘Just modify the wake window 5 minutes for one week, then 10 minutes, then go through a nap transition all while avoiding any negative sleep Oct 7, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). I agree about the happiest baby sleep consultants, that’s the impression that I get as well. I Nov 22, 2023 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). Oh Baby Sleep Course is my proven, step-by-step plan for helping your 6-18 month old sleep through the night & take restorative daytime naps so everyone in your family can get the sleep they need to not just survive but thrive. I tried the no cry sleep solution first but drowsy and awake wasn't something that ever worked for my baby, sadly. 30am. I think at this age I put my baby on a 4 nap schedule (8, 11, 1, 4, bedtime at 7?). The few times I did co-sleep we followed all of the guidelines from Le Leche league, plus a few extras (sober healthy and not exhausted nonsmoker, breastfeeding mom, no blankets, no pillows, no jewelry, no drawstrings, no loose clothing, firm mattress on the floor away from walls and away from other furniture to prevent entrapment and falls She’d sleep through the night most of the time, waking up once a night maybe 2-3x a week but she’d out herself back to sleep without intervention, maybe I’d chat over the monitor briefly. Once she knows how to put herself to sleep, she will start to extend her naps making a 3 nap schedule posible Oct 28, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). Here’s how to know if hiring one is right for your family. For both baby AND you. I never scheduled my baby's sleep. My little one is one year old now and we used to get 4 hrs sleep max before we got help. Is it worth it to hire a sleep consultant for my 6mo? From 10-14 weeks she would sleep from 7pm to about 2-4am, wake for a feed, then sleep again until 7am. I agree with Comprehensive Bill - I think sleep consultants are most helpful when you are running into a problem you can’t solve/feel out of your depth. When she wakes at the end of a sleep cycle, she needs that same help again. I wanted to stop doing that. So far I've found Baby's Best Sleep and Glow Sleep. She did give us some "AHA" moments, but we still needed to go implement what she said, and it worked great for a couple of months - after which, of We worked with a sleep consultant and I feel like she was a huge help for naps (at 8 months baby was still taking 3/4 naps a day and the schedule was all over the place). With the help of Feb 1, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). She works using the 'sleep sense' philosophy. 4 days ago · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). - it took time to research which sleep consultant to pick, because there are lots out there who have vastly different approaches than what we were comfortable with / what we wanted - it isn't magic. So I have the worst sleeper baby (6mos old , almost 7). I had to search through the archives to see if anyone else had a similar low sleep needs baby. She was also available via text in real time for the next couple nights when I continued what she did. With the help of Baby is 11 months, 2 weeks. We had to really persevere with sleep, introduced a fairly strict routine, we did follow wake windows, introduce strong sleep associations, persevered with his cot, allowed him time to learn to fall back asleep, and now he has 3 Hi all, I have a wonderful almost 6mo baby girl who has always been an A* independent sleeper and has an amazing personality & temperament. Her baby’s sleep wasn’t perfect but greatly improved. Save your money on a sleep consultant and just use that haha seriously. Omg in the middle of post partum anxiety I hired a personalized sleep consultant for newborn sleep, paid $1k, tracked my three week olds daily sleep- naps and overnight to email her daily and got in reply “doing great for a newborn” basically as a response. With the help of 4 days ago · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). I use Baby Sleep Science blog as a reference for everything. 1. Basically the title. With my son, we didn't do any official sleep training until 17 months and he did well after a few nights, but it was very rough. My name is Nicole and I'm a journalist at Salon. With the help of Nov 18, 2024 · Nicole Johnson is the founder and lead pediatric sleep consultant of The Baby Sleep Site ®, earned her Bachelor of Arts from The University of California, Berkeley, became a Master of Business Administration at The Ohio State University, and is a board member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC). For us, we sleep trained and night weaned but after about two weeks we were still seeing a ton of tears for longer than 15 minutes at each bedtime, despite LO sleeping through the night. They're a bit light on the details of sleep training but absolutely dead on for troubleshooting on schedules, regressions, sleep environment, and time change (jet lag, daylight saving). Anyone used a sleep consultant for their baby's sleep? Could do with some advise, seem to be loads of them out there but the research skills are lacking due to sleep deprivation!! 11 month old baby being breast fed if that information is relevant. My understanding is that sleep consultant training varies, and there are no government standards. It's taken 2 weeks of regular sleep to feel better. bwbyef seoo nnp khu yckuczr vig gfqycg ojjer myfh wjamj