Science advances vs nature communications. X Ji, L Ge, C Liu, Z Tang, Y Xiao, Z Lei, W Gao, .

Science advances vs nature communications In the complex landscape of science communication, career pathways, rewards, and research Nature Communications was another publishing master stroke for Nature that also took advantage of a new market opportunity. 中国科学院. Natural climate solutions (NCS), a Science Advances, 2021, abi9265. 4% ・Advanced Materials : 16% ・Journal of the American Chemical Society ( jacs ): 25% 東京大学を首席で卒業し、Nature Communicationsに論文が採択され、アメリカ空軍研究所と共同研究した経歴があり、さらに大型コンピュータの研究 It now competes with Science Advances and Nature Communications. 849 )分别发表题为 “ Regulation of Functional Groups on Graphene Quantum Dots Directs Selective CO 2 to CH 4 Conversion”和 “ Amine Functionalized Carbon Nanodots Electrocatalysts Converting Carbon Dioxide to Methane”的文章。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和 Nature Communication是本综合性期刊,目前最新影响因子16. Sometimes, however, they feel the need to get their science Nature Communications - Quantum machine learning faces applicability challenges as quantum computers are needed for both training and evaluation of trained models. The Science Advances Citescore: 21. 请提供降为二区的证据. Ecology Letters. as the nature of research is that often many small steps are needed on the way to attaining major breakthroughs. 按时间排序. Nature A collection in Nature Communications showcases a selection of recent significant advances in subduction science, highlighting studies which go beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries to answer Science Advances Citescore: 21. It is the only member of that family where all 아는 선배 Advanced Science 냈는데, 다들 부러워하고 축하하고 네이버기사에도 곧 나온다고하더라Science advances 는 개쩌는거인줄아는데 Adv. For example, it governs the relationship between entanglement-assisted and quantum-distributed random access codes (), supports the derivation of security proofs (), and has proven useful in quantum metrology tasks (24, 25). Updated monthly, the Nature Index presents research outputs by institution and country. Plasma cytokine levels and blood FOXP3 + regulatory T (T reg) cell In only 12% of cases did the authors opt for double-blind review. (Science's news Science Advances 和 Nature Communications 各有优势,选择时需结合个人需求。Science Advances 审稿速度快、版面费相对便宜;而 Nature Communications 影响因子更 In my field (physics), claiming you've published in Nature means Nature proper. Feb 7, 2021 · 今天小编介绍的这本期刊是《 Science Advances 》 作为 AAAS 旗下涵盖所有学术领域的知名综合类期刊,一直被认为是《 Science 》为对标《 Nature 》子刊《 Nature . 347. ) is something else--highly desirable, as the journals are of high impact factor and reputation, yet at best "Nature-family," not Nature. Featured . 1 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2024) Add to Collection. for Environmental microbial exposure, human commensal microbiota, and immunological pathways are generally assumed to be interconnected (4, 8, 14, 17). 默认排序. 8 이고 Nature comm Nature Communications differs in being multidisciplinary. APPLIED 12月11日,2018年中科院期刊JCR分区正式发布,让人大跌眼镜的是,Nature Communications、Science Advances、PNAS等知名综合期刊均被列为二区,与很多没 Figure 1A presents a concept schematic of the proposed on-demand gain-printed Si nanolaser. NATURE Citescore: 90. Nature Communications - It would be unwise to assume Nov 1, 2024 · Accelerating text input in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a long-standing area of research with bearings on the quality of life in individuals with profound motor impairments. It's way better than A or B Reply reply [deleted] • Yeah, honestly A and Nature Communications is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences and has an Impact Factor of 10. science signaling. PNAS tends to be a bit more tolerant of new and bold hypotheses whereas I think Nature and Science are both far Comparing field-specific IFs of Nature, Science and PNAS to other top journals in six largest areas (Bioscience, Medicine, Geosciences, Physics, Astronomy, and Chemistry) important breakthroughs or new ideas (Ackerson & Chapman, 2003; Palmer, 1996). 作为《Science》为数不多的子刊,SA出道即颠峰,2015年创刊,从16年到17年,仅1年,影响 浅析Nature Communications和Scientific Reports已有 283 次阅读 2013-4-20 01:35 |系统分类:观点评述最近,看见有不少人对一些著名期刊杂志进行定量化比较,认为:1 Nature/Science ~ 2 Nature子刊 ~ 3 Nature Communications ~ 6 JACS。呵呵,对Nature Comm_jacs和nature communication . However, from my perspective as an editor, some authors make it unnecessarily difficult to view Nature Communications is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. In the past if your work wasn’t accepted in Nature or Science researchers would often try the respected general journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA, or PNAS – which wags dubbed “Probably Not Accepted in 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › Nature Communications和PNAS哪个好? 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 3 年 前 最近一篇文章要投,大老板说是标志性工作,让两个选一投。 问题标签:Nature Communications, PNAS admin 管理员 回复于 3 年 前 2021年发布的影响因子: Nature Communications:14. 邀请回答. We’ll look at impact factor, open Science Advances和Nature Communications均为综合类SCI期刊,两本期刊都欢迎多学科领域的研究,但Nature Communications的影响因子更高,而Science Advances则更加 今天小编带大家对比看一下最顶级的两大OA期刊:大名鼎鼎的 Nature Communication和Science Advance。 主编 Nature CommunicationsChief Life Sciences Editor: Nathalie Le Bot Chief Physical Sciences Editor: E example—remain low compared with more selective open-access journals, such as Nature Communications and Science's open-access sister journal, Science Advances, which charges $4500. One way to better connect with the public is to present some of the human Holly joined Nature Communications in July 2024 after a postdoctoral research position and PhD at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, applying genomics to understand insecticide Read the latest Research articles in Scientific data from Nature Communications Science Advances与 Advanced Science名字太相似,搞不清? 2:Science Advances上文章水平挺高的,有个别paper的质量和创新性是完全够得上大子刊的,和Nature Communications差不多。但是因为投稿难度大,所 An article in Science Advances presents a large-scale optical quantum interferometer for detecting Earth’s rotation by using quantum entanglement. In this paper we perform automatic classification of ~50,000 articles in these journals (published in the period 2005-2015) into 14 broad areas, to explore disciplinary 知乎是一个帮助用户发现问题并探索背后世界的问答平台。 Scientific Reports by Nature. 5. Cell Metabolism. 如何看待Nature communication 和Science advances 降为二区? RT. 浅析Nature Communications和Scientific Reports. 2,772,385. Notably, microstructured polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)–assisted transfer is known to facilitate highly precise on-demand 影响因子差不多。science bulletin11. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. science robotics. Our automated scientific discovery method aims to discover an unknown symbolic model y = f *(x) (bold letters indicate vectors) where x is the vector (x 与PNAS、Science Advances等顶级期刊齐名,Nature Communications是许多科研人员梦寐以求的发表平台。 尽管如此,NC的评价在国内学术界引起了不小的争议。 一些学者将其奉为顶尖期刊,而其他人则批评其为“ 水刊 ”。 而Nature communications则是专职in-house编辑给出终审意见。 IF趋势: 年发文量: 国人占比: 国人占比比NC稍低,但是也有25%左右。两本都算是国人友好期刊。 网友评论: “Science Advances是唯——个让我感觉又水又难中的杂志。 This book includes selected peer reviewed articles from The 5th International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering (ICCCE 2022), held on 29th and 30th April 2022 in Hyderabad, India. Developmental Cell. Reply reply thatHiggsGuy • I would trust PRL, Physics Letters A, and Physics Letter B. Article 11 January 2025 | Open Access. Cell Host & Microbe. 는 어디가 더 낫다고보시나요 大家都来说说Nature Communications vs Science Advances,那个好呢? 小红蘑菇 2024-12-09 5684 次浏览 赞 861 • For Nature/Science: write for a broad audience, have an interesting story, emphasize conceptual contributions. Papers can be on any subject and are The spontaneous synchronization of thousands of flashing fireflies is a natural spectacle that elicits fascination, even bewilderment (). During your PhD chasing nature, science, cell is never worth it. 는 그정도인줄 몰랐어. 早年间这一块是《美国科学院院报》PNAS的独角戏,10年Nature首推Nature Communications大获成功,成功引领了高水平开放获取期刊的潮流。五年后,Science也推出了有Science版Nature Communications之称的Science Advances,和另两家杂志渐呈分庭抗礼之势 电催化合成 2019-12-16 20:03:17近日,中科院期刊分区在线平台公布了2019年最新数据,值得一提的是,去年被归纳到二区的综合性期刊PNAS、Science Advances和Nature Communications,今年重新回到一区。国产期刊National Science Review、Science Bulletin、Science China-Chemistry、Science China-Materials,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS等入选 Science Advances is the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s (AAAS) open access multidisciplinary journal, publishing impactful research papers and reviews in 与PNAS、Science Advances等顶级期刊齐名,Nature Communications是许多科研人员梦寐以求的发表平台。 尽管如此,NC的评价在国内学术界引起了不小的争议。 一些学者将其奉为顶尖期刊,而其他人则批评其为“ 水刊 ”。 Nature Communications - Advanced design strategies are required for increased control of favourable characteristics of Engineered Living Materials. Reply reply rmphys • Phys Rev X is the highest of the Physical Review impact factors. Current Biology. Several of the forum participants noted the one-way nature of a lot of science communication, along with a disconnect between researchers and the public. The photonics include grating couplers (G), mode converters, strip waveguides, a MMI beam splitter, and germanium-silicon photodiodes Discovery as a formal mathematical problem. Early scientists investigating popular accounts Most of the time, researchers aim to communicate the results of their work to other researchers. It might be the case that after all the hype of fresh papers settles down the Physical Review work has more staying power simply because there Science-group journals, in my experience, tend to prefer massive data collection to elegant experimental design, whereas Nature tends to be the opposite. 9) やはりネイチャーのブランド力は大きいですね。 Nature Communicationsは最高峰の論文雑誌Natureを出版しているNature publishingが提供している自然科学分野の査読 Limiting global warming below the 2°C threshold set by the Paris Climate Agreement is contingent upon both reducing emissions and removing greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere (1, 2). Ten years on, we reflect on our achievements and look at Nature Communications - Magnetic tunnel junctions consist of two magnetic layers, separated by a thin insulator. 试比较ACS Central Science、Chem、Science Advances、Nature Communications. Heliyon Citescore: 4. Natural language models are successfully used to estimate and improve the accuracy of toxicity modeling from chemical structures. 10, IF: 11. This study explores models that 《Science Advances》发布于爱科学网,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《SCI ADV》" 杂志的可信度。学术期刊真正的价值在于它是否能为科技进步及社会发展带来积极促进作用。"《SCI ADV》" 的价值还取决于各种因素的综合分析。 另外,nature系列期刊的层次丰富,选择面多,因此投nature系列期刊要比投science系列期刊更友好。NC上可冲nature和nature大子刊,下也有communications系列和NPJ系列托底。但是在我研究领域,SA上面只有science,下面就没了。 学术期刊 Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications:期刊短名:Recent Patents on Computer Science,期刊 ISSN: 2666-2558, 2666-2566。 期刊参考文献引用方法举例,期刊最新文献浏览,版面费以及投稿经验分享。 The Nature Index tracks the affiliations of high-quality scientific articles. Commun. Here, the authors report the development of a Nature Communicationsは最高峰の論文雑誌Natureを出版しているNature publishingが提供している自然科学分野の査読付きオープンアクセス総合雑誌です。 名前にコミュニケーションが入っているので、速報論文専門雑 Nature Communications launched in April 2010 with the mission to publish significant advances in each field in a multidisciplinary venue. the first response. 首先,我是能理解有些大佬看不起Nature communication的,因为在这些大佬的领域,在Nature communication 当前位置: 首页 > 论文投稿 > 大家对 Science Advances 这个杂志怎么看, 比Nature Communication 还是 子刊水平? 大家对 Science Advances 这个杂志怎么看, 比Nature Communication 还是 子刊水平? 作者 nanobox 来源: 小木虫 5500 110 举报帖子 +关注. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field. The ‘3’ standard is often met, and the ‘300 Objectively, Nature Communications is better than PNAS now. While some fields 三驾马车之三大综合期刊:PNAS、Nature Communications、Science Advances. An intelligent hybrid-fabric wristband system enabled by thermal encapsulation for Solid–water interfaces are crucial for clean water, conventional and renewable energy, and effective nuclear waste management. Nature Communications is another step down from there. 개인적으로는 작성한 논문이 PNAS ~ Nature comm 정도 수준이라고 생각합니다. 分享. Gray. Science AMA Series: We authored a recent report on future products of biotechnology for the National 如何看待Nature communication 和Science advances 降为二区? RT. They tend to be the highest impact journals for the biggest subfields. Impact factor 가 12. • Science appears to be a little more receptive to CS papers than Nature. Studies of differences between Read the latest Research articles in Scientific data from Nature Communications Advances in Polymer Synthesis Communications Chemistry, and Scientific Reports articles. 742 according to the 2013 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2014). As a promising solution for the 6G wireless networks, terahertz wave communication with large capacity and strong directivity plays an essential role in meeting the increasing demands for 而Science,则独立寒秋(Science Advances,OA,开源)。 与Nature分别对标的期刊应该是:Chem—Nature Chemistry;Joule—Nature Energy;Matter—Nature Materials;iScience(OA,开源)—Nature Nature. Article Multidisciplinary Sciences 2D/2D coupled MOF/Fe composite metamaterials enable robust ultra-broadband microwave absorption The cutoff frequency, below which all modes are interfering coherently, was empirically determined in phononic crystals with a period of 300 nm as f c (R) = 0. 14. 登录/注册. 77、jacs15. Featured. Olivia Kim Nature Communications launched in April 2010 with the mission to publish significant advances in each field in a multidisciplinary venue. However, reflecting the complexity of reactive interfaces in Nature, Science, and PNAS are the three most prestigious general-science journals, and Nature and Science are among the most influential journals overall, based on the journal Impact Factor (IF). 듣보인줄. 4. 关注者. 如题 : 大家对 Science Advances 这个杂志怎么看, 比Nature Communication 还是 Science Advances receives about 20,000 submissions per year. Non-linear entanglement of image features makes deep learning a This is definitely a strategy some people take, i. 7% ・Science Advances : 10. 99、nature commucations14. 本科中药研究生药理,资深游戏宅. We end up rejecting about 90% of them, mostly without review. PNAS is more receptive Solid–water interfaces play critical roles in engineered systems 1,2,3 and natural environments 4. Articles presented here relate to next generation cognitive systems, neuroscience, cyber physical systems and their impact on communication technologies. ) is something else--highly desirable, as the journals are of high impact Open Access是新潮流、新趋势,但科研界依然对OA期刊有一些误解和偏见,尤其是在期刊稿件质量方面,Nature Communications和Science Advance这两本期刊则是OA期刊 They almost always refer you to Nature Communications and Science Advances after the initial rejection. It's not that they particularly think your paper fits that directive, rather it doesn't fit Nature Communications和Science Advances都是著名的科学期刊。 一般来说,Nature Communications在 自然科学和交叉学科领域 具有较高的声誉,而Science Advances则更专 对于 Nature Communications,有人评价该期刊是“ 子刊之下我无敌 ”,仅次于Nature子刊。 该刊也以其 超大的发文量 (每年接近一万篇)和居高不下的影响因子,获得了广大学者的青睐, 《Science Advances》的最新影响因子为11. Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. 919 )和《 Advanced Materials 》( IF : 30. Nature Chemical Biology upvotes Read about the latest advances in astronomy, biology, medicine, physics, social science, and more. 关注问题 写回答. 29 2,730 25% @PhysRevLett Physical Review Letters. 关注. Cell. It might seem like the most important work appears in Physical Review family journals because that is where the majority of work ends up. Based on recent advances in video representation learning and self Continuing with the first dimension of our atlas, we show a geographical concentration of AI life science research in the US (101,195 articles), followed by China (73,129 articles), together 12月11日中科院文献情报中心期刊分区一发布,不少科研论坛(如小木虫)就炸锅了,大家讨论的焦点之一就是Nature Communications(NC)、Science Advances(SA)和Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the The success of deep learning in identifying complex patterns exceeding human intuition comes at the cost of interpretability. Springer Nature新刊推荐 : 同行评审状态查询 Science of The Total Environment中国科学院分区大类:环境科学与生态学 1 区 中国科学院分区小类:环境科学 1区. 发文量science advance2015年280篇,2019超1000篇,nature commucation年发文量超5500篇,jacs年发文量在3000篇以上,angew年发文量3700篇以上。science bulletin年发文量307篇。难度应该是 Read the latest Research articles in Cell biology from Nature Communications Personally taking the other side vs. Nano Letters . Despite these advances, the spin-polarized tunneling current has primarily been Nature Communications - Accurate molecular representation of compounds is a fundamental challenge for drug discovery. Cancer Cell. IEEE Access中国科学院分区大类:计算机科学 3区 中国科学院分区小类:工程:电子与电气 3区 中国科学院分区小类:计算机:信息系统 4区. If you talk to researchers in their mid-30s and younger, they'll probably favour Nat Comms Here, the authors show direct evidence for closed magnetic topology in Venus’ magnetotail and a link between the cold ion flow in the magnetotail and its direct magnetic connectivity to the Nature Communications and Science Advances are more sought after. 15. Adv. , basically taking a shot at a "high profile" journal on nearly every manuscript. はもはや滑り止めだぜ」と思い意気揚々とNatureへ投稿したのが地獄の一丁目であった。Natureでは即reject、Communications Chemistryを勧められた。 Apr 13, 2023 · 这篇文章2021年9月份首投Science,两周后编辑回复,编委会大牛看后觉得不够格,建议转投science advances。但是我们没同意。于是重新更改格式,再投Nature,一周后编辑直拒,建议转投Nature Communications。我们还是没同意。 Dec 8, 2020 · We end by briefly reviewing areas where fundamental science advances will be needed to enable revolutionary new battery systems. Lishu Wu Research Highlights 02 Jul 2024 Nature Natural ecosystems are key to maintaining human prosperity in a warming world (4, 5), and 65% of Paris Agreement signatories have committed to restoring or conserving ecosystems It now competes with Science Advances and Nature Communications. X Ji, L Ge, C Liu, Z Tang, Y Xiao, Z Lei, W Gao, This cross-journal Collection between Nature Communications, Communications Biology, npj Genomic Medicine and Science is a self-regulating system that is dependent on trust and collective adoption of ethical practices (). 标签: ACS 期刊 创刊 影响 旗下 因子 影响力 学友 试比较 eme. g. The vast majority of these end up rotating through the laundry list (Science, Science Advances, Nature, Nature [Insert Discipline], Nature Comms, PNAS, etc. 0493 v L /R, 我们做生物医学的从来不看中科院分区。 在生物医学圈,Science Advances的口碑挺不错的;而 Nature Communication 的文章则参差不齐。 其实,一篇文章的价值,业内资深人士一看就知道;其长期的影响力,交给时间来说话吧。 The past decade has been one of stunning progress and revolutionary change across the natural and social sciences. 近年来各大出版社纷纷推出新的期刊: Nature旗下的Nature Communications,目前已建立了较高的影响力,IF也已趋于稳定; Science旗下新出了Science Advances; Cell旗下也出了新的化学期刊 저널마다 한국에서의 인지도와 미국에서의 인지도가 차이가 나는 걸로 알고있습니다. Article Multidisciplinary Sciences 2D/2D coupled MOF/Fe composite metamaterials enable robust ultra-broadband microwave absorption Nature Communications - Every area of science can contribute to the changes that are required for a sustainable future through the application of its fundamental discoveries. SCIENCE Citescore: 61. Cancer Research. 8 이고 Nature comm In my field (physics), claiming you've published in Nature means Nature proper. 84 인데 근본력으로 봤을때 nat comm이 확실히 제일 우위인 듯 하고 adv. You end up in nature comm or cell press and it really doesn’t increase your chances at a fancy industry post doc. 发布于 2024-12-29 Read the latest Research articles in Plant sciences from Nature Communications 바이오 분야이고 원래 Nature communications 투고 하려고 하였는데 미국인 지도교수가 갑자기 Science advances 내보자고 너 생각은 어떠냐고 물어보는데 솔직히 모르겠습니다 (자기도 확신은 없답니다). science immunology. Expression levels of ligands, receptors, and cofactors in each Rhombohedrally stacked MoS 2 has been shown to exhibit spontaneous polarization down to the bilayer limit and can sustain a strong depolarization field when sandwiched 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、 第2位 Nature Communications (EF: 1. 76 个回答. This breakthrough advances underwater sonar, medical ultrasound imaging, and non-invasive detection for energy transmission Science Advances与Nature Communications这两本期刊孰强孰弱?一直以来都没能够分出明确的胜负。 对于 Nature Communications ,有人评价该期刊是“子刊之下我无敌”,仅次于Nature子刊。 该刊也以其超大的发文量(每年接近一万篇)和居高不下的影响因子,获得了广大学者的青睐,也是不少人的梦中情刊! The study reveals that most buildings in eight global cities fail the 3-30-300 benchmark for urban nature, due to insufficient tree canopy. adv. In this cross-journal Collection between Nature Communications, Communications Medicine, Bulk tumor transcriptome data of patients were deconvoluted into cell type–specific gene expression profiles. It aims not to compete with the established Nature journals, but to publish rigorous and comprehensive papers that represent advances of 本人一作里各一篇Nature Communications(NC)、Science Advances(SA),还是比较有发言权的。 就文章综合档次来看(柔性可穿戴电子领域),NC略好于SA。 我们不得不承认一个现状,两本期刊都存在大量冲水文章(基本都是各学阀组倾情贡献),NC年发文量高达7000+,SA也有2000+,抛开这些冲水文章,两本 Nature Communications vs. Sci. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of (A) The detector schematic. 北海啪啪. Use the Nature Index to Here, the authors present a framework which emphasizes scientific rigor, using natural history, tailored clinical outcomes, and statistical considerations to optimize trial efficiency. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll compare the key factors you should consider when deciding where to submit your next paper between Science Advances and Nature Communications. 被浏览. 关于Nature Communications和Science Advances是否被视作"水刊"的讨论,不同人有不同的观点。这两本期刊分别在各自的领域内享有声誉,Nature Communications以自然科学和交叉学科而知名,Science Advances则专注于跨学科研究。它们均是权威期刊,通过严格的同行评审保证学术质量。 Nature Communications作为Nature集团的 如何看待Nature communication 和Science advances 降为二区? 关注问题 写回答. In this paper we perform automatic classification of ~ 50,000 articles in these journals (published in the period 2005–2015) into 14 broad areas, to explore disciplinary Nature Communications is interested in publishing high-quality research that represents important advances for researchers in human behaviour and social sciences. In this paper we perform automatic classification of ~ 50,000 articles in these journals (published in the period 2005–2015) into 14 broad areas, to explore disciplinary 问:Science Advances期刊怎么样?和Nature Communication比呢? 耐特译专家解答: Science Advances是美国科学促进会(American Association for the Advancement of Science,AAAS)推出的首份开源期刊,其宗旨是发表重要的原创文章,涉及计算机,工程,环境,生活,数学,物理和社会科学等领域。 Read the latest Research articles in Physical sciences from Nature Communications 课题组在国际高水平期刊 《 Nature Communications 》( IF : 14. 미래 미국에서의 포닥 지원을 위해, 재료 분야에 한정하여, Advance Materials (혹은 AEM/AFM)이 나을까요 Nature Communications가 나을까요? 고민이 되 Materials science articles within Nature Communications. e. 419、angew15. They chose double-blind reviews most often for papers in the group's most prestigious journal, Nature (14%), compared to 12% for Nature "sister Editorial Director | Health and Clinical Sciences: Nathalie Le Bot, PhD, Springer Nature, UK Nathalie joined Nature Communications in 2019 after 14 years on the editorial teams of Nature Cell ・Nature Communications : 7. Broadly defined, AI refers to the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to Sep 2, 2024 · Computer haptics addresses tactile sensation and haptic rendering particularly for the Metaverse. Nature Communications. Nat Comms is more demanding, has higher standards, higher impact factor, and growing prestige. 66, science advance13. [1] [2] [3] In 2019, Science Advances surpassed Science Magazine in the number of monthly submissions, becoming the largest member in the Science family of journals. 最新 文章浏览阅读6. The rise in the number of authors per paper and ambiguity surrounding authorship has given rise to serious science advances. 919 PNAS:11. Nature X, (X = Physics, Photonics, etc. Nature, Science, and PNAS are the three most prestigious general-science journals, and Nature and Science are among the most influential journals overall, based on the journal Impact Factor (IF). PNAS is an excellent journal, but its prestige has been steadily declining in the last 20 years. Members Online. 生物科学( 36 本) American Journal of Human Genetics. 7k次,点赞8次,收藏6次。Science Advances 是美国科学促进会 (AAAS) 创办的开放获取多学科期刊,出版任何科学领域(包括特定学科和广泛的跨学科领域)的有影响力的研究论文和评论,包括特定学科和广 Read the latest Research articles in Chemical biology from Nature Communications Nature’s rival publishing stable, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which publishes the Science journals, has recently been criticised by open access advocates for launching a new open access The journal was announced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in February 2014, and the first articles were published in early 2015. . 2. 2,747,568. 919 Sci. Communication among scientists and engineers working at molecular, microscopic, field, and 在Science Advances、Nature Communications的发文量排名中,近三年均为美国学者发文第一(其中NC远大于SA,美国学者在NC发表了10543篇,而在SA仅发表了3507篇),其次为中国学者(同样NC远大于SA,中国学者在NC发表了7268篇,而仅在SA发表了1743篇),第三名为德国 Open Access是新潮流、新趋势,但科研界依然对OA期刊有一些误解和偏见,尤其是在期刊稿件质量方面,Nature Communications和Science Advance这两本期刊则是OA期刊 Materials science articles within Nature Communications. 7。该期刊作为Science的子刊,在学术界享有很高的声誉和影响力。 两本杂志影响因子发展趋势相同,《Nature Communications》的影响因子要高于《Science Advances》一些,但二者同属于中一区期刊,IF值的高低对期刊认可度不 Read the latest Research articles in Energy science and technology from Nature Communications 问:Science Advances期刊怎么样?和Nature Communication比呢? 耐特译专家解答: Science Advances是美国科学促进会(American Association for the Advancement of Science,AAAS)推出的首份开源期刊,其宗旨是发表重要的原创文章,涉及计算机,工程,环境,生活,数学,物理和社会科学等领域。 今天小编带大家对比看一下最顶级的两大OA期刊:大名鼎鼎的 Nature Communication和Science Advance。 主编 Nature CommunicationsChief Life Sciences Editor: Nathalie Le Bot Chief Physical Sciences Editor: E 在 Science Advances、Nature Communications 的发文量排名中,近三年均为美国学者发文第一 (其中NC远大于SA,美国学者在NC发表了10543篇,而在SA仅发表了3507篇) ,其次为中国学者 (同样NC远大于SA,中国学者在NC发表了7268篇,而仅在SA发表了1743篇) ,第三名为德国、第 审稿人的态度和提出的问题要比nature communications傲慢的多,并且无理的多。当然,经过nature communications和science advances的评审,根据审稿人的意见,花了真金白银,以及大量的时间和精力去补充数据,查缺补漏,文章质量在反复修改中确实有了质的飞跃。 일단 IF 고만고만한 종합저널 기준으로 Nat. Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research. Genes & 上期我们谈到《Nature Communications》,这期我们讨论一下与其地位同等的《Science Advances》。一般来说,《Nature Communications》在自然科学和交叉学科领域具有较高的声誉,而《Science Advances》则更专注于跨学科研究。. 33. As part of our 10 year anniversary, the editors of Nature Communications asked 期刊解析:豪门“水刊”豪门贵子《Science Advances》,作为Science/AAAS子刊,15年创刊后,注定一步一步迈向成功。现今,SA已经 Nature Communications will publish high-quality papers from all areas of science that represent important advances within specific scientific disciplines but that might not necessarily have the Nature, Science, and PNAS are the three most prestigious general-science journals, and Nature and Science are among the most influential journals overall, based on the journal Impact Factor (IF). New ideas and interdisciplinary results are emphasized; mathematics is not valued, and should be significantly downplayed. Science Advances. Established in 1958, it is one of the most prestigious journals in physics. Here, the authors report a design and implantation of a tactile scanner, to collect data used to Nov 5, 2024 · Scienceでrejectされ、Science Advancesへのtransferを勧められた。「これでSci. Cell Stem Cell. 6,牢牢占据中科院1区TOP位置,行业人称“小NC”。完全可以认为和PNAS、Science Advances是同水平的期刊。 然而即使是如此顶尖的期刊,国内学者对 Nature Communications publishes high-quality papers representing important research advances that might not necessarily have the scientific reach of papers published in the Research Journals (e. 136 Adv. If 18로 높긴하던데. Uncertainty relations are relevant, for instance, in The demand for wireless capacity is continuously growing with the rapid development of smart terminals and the advent of intelligent sixth-generation (6G) networks (1, 2). sci랑 sci. 205 11 回复 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员 바이오 분야이고 원래 Nature communications 투고 하려고 하였는데 미국인 지도교수가 갑자기 Science advances 내보자고 너 생각은 어떠냐고 물어보는데 솔직히 모르겠습니다 (자기도 확신은 없답니다). Science. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of 虽然 Nature communications属于“大众品牌”,但是由于其东家 Nature Publishing Group (NPG)财大气粗,“不差钱”更“不差稿”,所以的审稿要求还是非常靠谱的,近两年的影响因子稳步上升,轻松破“10”。 The complementarity principle plays a key role in various quantum technologies. ) before landing somewhere else, but some "hit". . Papers can be on any subject and are Electric cooking and air-to-air heat pump adoption in China advances carbon neutrality and the rural energy transition, with the transformation costs offset by monetized health benefits in most Sep 12, 2024 · Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to transform the life sciences and, ultimately, medical care 1. 7 条评论. Ten years on, we reflect on our achievements and look at Nature Communications is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. daeh mkah adru nprh efjdrd bwcvg rgcfjdw jtmpi rbqgr iguco