I cheated can i get her back reddit

Throughout the whole relationship I was constantly accused of seeing someone else when he was the only one. This is a support sub, a safe place to ask for advice and guidance. Discussions focus on overcoming the challenges of going through infidelity and the recovery after. I don't actively think she's cheating, but I wouldn't be surprised to discover it one day. You could've wised up at any point during the night and thought of what this would do to her. He was womanizer and he lied a lot, but he was just broken. Then you need to figure that out or stop lying to yourself. And please, NEVER try to make him jealous. Deep and intimate at times. I can honestly say i have never once thought of cheating. For her even a kiss with a male is unacceptable and grose (And I I just made an account for this. One of my friends sister was there and I always thought she was cute but This is a group dedicated to providing waywards a space to reflect, regroup, and give or gain perspective. She now feels she’s not good enough so she has to change her ways in bed. ️ The love and faithfulness you couldn’t give her, another man will. He cheated 4 years into the relationship after all that time together, and it was 100% because he wanted to get back at you. This girl is pregnant with your child, I’m glad that you’re trying to get your shit together. i regret it every day. She wonders if I regret her and Yes, you have feelings for him. Business, Economics, and Finance. There are reddits that can help more with this sort of thing if you try under R**e then this may be a better place. I tried many times to get him to come to events with I cheated and regret it. If he wasn’t giving you attention or what you needed then you should have communicated, sat down spoke expressed how you felt so you could move forward or you should have broke up with him. I, 22M, cheated on my girlfriend, 23F, and regret it all, how can i get her back? I, 22M, have been dating my girlfriend, 23F, for almost 10 months and cheated on her. If you really loved her you wouldn't have cheated in the first place. As a reminder, r/survivinginfidelity also has a public chat! As an active member, get more personal faster reponses when you are looking for more immediate help. He’s blowing you off. He told me our relationship from the start was all real. My ex and I had a very unhealthy relationship. Once someone cheats it's done, don't forgive/forget that, try and make a friendship for sure, but seriously - if someone in a relationship is looking sideways at other people, flirting with other people, their heart not 100% committed to you - it means they are not in it. 3. She'll be mourning the loss of her childhood friend. This way it limits to what my daughter sees. Hal_Jordan55. I can only ask them if that's the choice they're willing to make and be content with whatever reply they give me. Couples counseling will help regain trust. House of lies was collapsing. Honestly its been making me cry, a lot. While using you as her bank to cover her rent, bills and any other extras. cherryskull. But should there come a point where they choose to disassociate themselves from her, I certainly can't force them back. Waiting until your wife passes would be cruel. For the overwhelming majority of people, divorce IS the best answer to infidelity. I still have to endure it. The best way to repair the trust is to let her go so she can find someone who will treat her better. Some people are just deeply insecure. I was angry and jealous and did something to make her jealous too so that I thought she might understand what I was going through but she now thinks I was cheating on her and then she ended everything. With that said, this is not a pro-adultery sub. Plus those nightmares can take a lot of mental energy to deal with. Reply reply. Her friends probably saw her heartache and tried to get her to see other guys. I recently found out she was cheating on me and I think I've gone insane. I'm telling her that she shouldn't want to get back with me, but once again, she's not listening. She wants to get back together because she loves you. Only a few words she chat-replied admitting. you did her a favor. Personally, I'm damned glad I did it, but your circumstances are very different than mine. Yet, I long for some advice or feedback, that is what has driven me here. It is normal for your partner to feel betrayed and be mistrustful. it’s important to forgive yourself in some sense. The past few days have been torture as everything reminds me of her, such a sweet and gentle soul, ruined by my greed for wanting more. And finally it was getting off my chest. Even the BIBLE authorizes divorce because of adultery. We had been married about 2 years when I found out she cheated on me with an old high school friend. Im happy you cheated on her. Tell your current girlfriend you were unfaithful with your ex, whom you still love, and let your girlfriend explain how you can redeem yourself. But this night I was alone with friends and went out with them to a casual bar. I was 36 at the time and had been with my wife, Chrissy (35), for 15 years, married for 12. If you manage that, he will notice that you have truly changed and maybe come back to you. It's been 4 years to the month since this happened. I have been with my girlfriend for 5 years straight without one single fight and we are very much in love, not one fight. Don't take her back. We had a lot of ups and downs in our 5 years together. Crypto 4. Acknowledge their feelings and work toward rebuilding the trust that you have betrayed. damn, you a special kind. 28M cheated on but now I can ruin her life. Beating yourself up is not going to help you. Quick recap, June 3rd 2022 she came home I think you aren't considering that her friend threw herself at you to undermine your relationship on purpose, and now that you don't want to continue with her, she might try to change the narrative to something along the lines of being a victim and that you tried to assault her or threw yourself at her. She basically just told you that it’s not worth your time to try again with her. You broke her trust. This suicide attempt of hers hasn't helped matters, that's for sure. You took the steps to create a situation to cheat on your wife. It’s also been shown that once someone cheats they’re much more likely to do it again. If you’re not willing to do that, there’s may not be much hope. Hey everyone. Hopefully you got the right keys. Break up, it's not your fault to hold the hurt inside your chest and go to therapists. Also check her story about not dating anyone during these two years. Wife cheated on me and ended her life. I’ve read both your posts and my heart breaks for you. You need to see go to the hospital and have one completed. I cheated on my gf but she took me back awhile. Hello, and thank you for your submission. It won’t end with you two together. Children are very good at reading situations and picking up on their parents feelings/or any tension. I’m approaching 2 years since this happened (April 16 2022) and trying not to get to in my head about things. The decision to forgive and attempt to trust you again is completely in your GFs hands. I do think reconciliation is possible. Being the one cheated on in a situation like this gives you trauma and PTSD like symptoms. Cut contact with her and move on with your life. Whenever i talked to another mal The cheater needs to show you with specific words and deeds, worked out in couples counseling, that proves his fidelity. Can't imagine you'd go through with it then, and if you do, she'd have no way to get answers and find closure. She both emotionally and physically cheated on you. You can start by telling her. Don’t ask him again, because it doesn’t make you desperate, it makes you look dumb. She got on her knees and begged at my feet, saying that she would rather die than be without me. Do not take her back, get DNA test for the kids you believe to be yours to make sure. TW Self Harm. They can also get you all the tests you will need, as well as proactive medications. 2. You say you’re committed to her, but your actions say the opposite. My ex thinks I cheated on him when I wasn't. I thought we had found a new level of intimacy and that we finally understood each others differences. Her cheating and inability to show you affection or care is a lack in her, not you. Guaranteed going to cheat again. Rien ne va plus. Well, if it’s true what her friends are saying, just message her if you really want her back. Embrace the spirit of narrative expression while traversing uncharted horizons. Now it's ok. There's a huge difference between a stupid mistake 6 weeks into a relationship, and a deliberate calculated move to hurt someone you love after 4 years together. Be a fucking adult. obviously what you did wasn’t okay- but you’re human. A year later I'm struggling financially and I catch her taking to the same guy. •. She was the one. If you're here, it's because you are surviving, or have survived, infidelity in a relationship that you thought was life-long. Show him you care, that you are not desperate after him, but that you are willing to wait for him to get over the fact that you cheated. Please take a moment to review the rules listed in our sidebar. The fact that she said she doesn’t want you to “waste your effort when there’s so little coming back your way” is a huge red flag on her part. You deserve better, someone who really loves you and you will be enough for her. We can get through this with compassion and empathy. Instead of worrying about how to get her back, focus on yourself and what makes you continue to cheat. Welcome to Surviving Infidelity. But you fucked up. (M 18) So a couple months ago I got super drunk and mistakenly cheated on my girlfriend, we were together for a year and she found out yesterday what happened and blocked me on everything while I was at work so I had no chance to even tell her anything. Things can get better. This happened in April of 2022, my wife had lots of issues with depression. i’m gonna be real with you bro as a 17 year old guy myself I’ve been in your situation only a few years ago and when i was 14 i was also getting into relationships and making bad decisions but you’ll grow over I M23 cheated on my girlfriend 5 months ago and we broke up and for the last few months I thought I was ok with it but recently all I see is her face and all I think about is her. Tell her what you did, and tell her how bad you feel, but (and this is important), drop the “woe is me” stuff. There's nothing you can do now but give him time and space. Get STI & pregnancy tests. I get that it's complicated because you're coparenting, but exposing the affair is the right thing to do. Remorse. . We've dated for 7 months and broken up because I've told her how I've micro cheated multiple times. What you couldn’t do for her another man will. You don’t know how the boyfriend will react, he could blame you and come after you. If they waiver on any of that, you have to kick them to the curb. I (29M) know it has been a while since I last posted here, but I wanted to provide one final update on my story since you were all so helpful during this process. His answers to you are telling. I explained to her why despite her pleading. Come clean tell your gf ( she already knew now she’ll have the proof her instinct was right) . I’ve been wanting to post an update, I’d like to say I’ve been busy but honestly the thought of trying to explain everything up to this point has just been overwhelming so I’ve avoided it. Her life isn’t over. If so, you should end the relationship for her sake, you’re not making the situation any better. During our break she was talking to some guy and she told me she would stop because I didn't want to court her/get my relationship back while she's talking to other men. I would not text to resolve this. That's tough. When you physically cheat, you break the marriage bond itself because the most basic element of the marriage bond is physical sex. emotionally cheated on my ex bf, worst decision of my life. Make sure she understands it’s really over! That there’s nothing she can do to change your mind. That's when her mom can go on dates. You can’t evade this, you have to tell her, because 1) the guilt would eat you up, and 2) it’s the right thing to do if you truly love and respect your girlfriend Our relationship was amazing we clicked so well, it felt like I could talk to her non stop for hours and like our convo could never go dry. She means everything to me. It’s been years since I’ve had to deal with what my actions have caused. Break up with her let her have the money and don’t tell her but be firm that you don’t love her and don’t see yourself getting back with her in the future. And due to this she'll never get 100% back out of me. Unless you will truly change and be faithful and not betray her. I M (20) was emotionally cheating on my girlfriend F (20) throughout our entire three month relationship. . You’re not going to just get over it and move on. 6 months into our relationship, I caught her locked in a room with a man at a house party we were both at. He had no idea how healthy people thought or reacted. The cheater needs to understand that getting back in your good graces may take years. My ex started a new Job, her first ever job, about a month ago where she met a My (27/M) ex (27/F) of 5+ years wants to get back together after cheating on me. You may remember more later. The point of my long-winded story is this: if you need the revenge, and the validation a revenge affair can bring, Just understand that it will probably be the death knell for your relationship. im glad you’re Cheated on me I was devastated. I ended up staying with her then 6-7 months later in an argument she tells me she used that party to sabotage us because she thought of us as “short term”, whatever that means. I can't function without her. It's been years, she's been in therapy, she didn't blame you, she came clean about the cheating, and she's changed for the better (according to you). asghettimonster. I have never shed tears like this over a woman, which also tells me that my feelings for her are real. As far as your daughter's situation you really don't have control as to who she brings around, and it sucks. In the end, only time will tell. 1. you’re going to do a lot of things that aren’t okay in your life. Don't tell him any of this, but show it to him. We have lots of supportive, active We were together for a bit over a year and she was the closest friend I have ever had in my life. You are sorry you'll definitely be caught. Dude, grow some balls be a man and stop being an ass. # About Ask and offer advice for specific dating situations. So you basically confirmed your gf suspicions about your ex and you're wondering how to redeem yourself. But, with time, you can try to regain their trust. Nov 9, 2023 · Try not to hide things from them anymore. I'll say the same thing I did on your other post. My wife is beginning to get insecure about my feelings towards her. I have abandonment issues and in the first 2 or 3 years i would have nightmares where she cheats/leaves me without warning or anything. I don't believe she didn't date anyone in two years. It was clear the game was over. We started dating when we were 20/21 and had a lot of great time together. I've never "actually" cheated, like I haven't slept with anyone, but dry humped a stripper, mouth kissed with a random girl on a party and asked many random girls' numbers/socials to know if they'd give it to me just to boost my stupid self esteem, and I've seriously thought and tried to About a year ago, I discovered my wife was in the middle of a 5 month long affair. [Remorse] It happened two nights ago. She doesn’t yet realize she can find a real love elsewhere and hopefully she will. Check out the edit, there was an important part that I forgot to include. Take responsibility, don’t make excuses, OWN UP TO YOUR SHIT. No one can give you any advice really because this 100% depends on YOU AND HER. The rest of my siblings are young men, just coming into their own. She says she'd understand if I resent her and don't want back together because of it. When I do have her. Start by understanding this. I feel bad for him. For further guidance, please see They want to tell you a little bit to ease their conscience, but they don't want to tell you enough so that you will break up with them. It's really good advices. If you guys are really tight, then you need to come back with some sort of "deal" that will earn her trust back, resolve the cheating, and ensure you do not do it again. Recognize you fucked up and wish her well, be a man. And unfortunately for her, it means that now she's trying to get back together, at least for as long as the polygraph doesn't confirm I cheated. But I still love her so much. You feel bad about cheating not because it was wrong, and a betrayal of your promise to your wife, but because of how upset she was. Now my last long term relationship ended when my then girlfriend cheated and left me for someone else. For me, it was going to go that way anyway, and it helped me They can help you get in touch with some great sexual assault counselors, please look into counseling. That being said, I hope that you and your wife work things out and can honestly be happy with one another and get through everything. Sounds about laughable to me. That's pretty hard core. He didn’t know how to be “normal. 100% agree that it’s only going to hurt him more. When I found out she begged me to get back together and went through the whole I only want you, it was a mistake etc. Whether she can prove that she is trustworthy. But this, even if you two get together, wouldn’t be a healthy relationship. The pain you gave her will never compare to the joy that’s coming into her life. She hasn’t liked it at times, but I haven’t found anything improper in months. From Sunday to Monday, I slept at my place with my girlfriend, who doesn't live with me, so we could go to work together on Monday. You cheated and you lied. All because I could not hold back myself from drinking more and more. We were to get married and it's hard to explain but she was it. A) Try to get some closure on the incident and see if you can actually move on from it. ADMIN MOD. TL;DR: Cheated (kind of) for the first time, dealing with some of the guilt, capturing the excitement, and generally trying to get things off my chest. Please do not entertain taking her back or letting her talk her way out of this. I love her now and always did. Spending time with her and the world use to shut. Long story short, my wife had been having an affair for a few months, she came clean to me about it and then she killed herself 3 days later. Immediately after I gave her a lot of space but was there when she wanted to me to be. ago. He had a vision of his marriage and of the wife that he loved. [deleted] • 4 yr. Trust once violated is a very difficul tthing to get back. And with a girl he's known for years as just friends. You cheated on her. Reading this post it's clear cheating isn't the only problem you had in your relationship and that you have as a boyfriend and a person. I love them so much but I can’t relate to them like I relate to my brothers who are closer in age. Let me jump to her confession: 5 weeks in the pregnancy and at another anger-eruption I finally had the balls to nail her on her cheating. She had all the same mannerisms. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The girl could also try and get back at you for interfering with her relationship. Award. You have destroyed that forever and you can't go back. Do not get involved. When we were one year into our relationship i also cheated on him but he forgave me. She cut off all communication with me but I’ve thought to write a letter to her and apologise and ask if we can work on it. 6. It’s a mistake on both ends. It made her see who you really are so she can now cut you out of her life for good and get a fresh start. You can't force her to come back, but you can change for the better and there can be something better for you out This is a sub for deeper support and discussion. i never wanted to hurt him- but i did. 66-66. My wife gave me full access to her phone. Yes you should tell him. This is one of the rare times I feel like you can take a cheater back. Final Update: Wife Cheated After 13 Years Together. You don't hold the power anymore, you did but you abused it and now all you can do is be 100% open and honest and let your GF come to a decision on her own and you need to accept whatever it is. It can really help you in the long run. “I don’t want anyone but her” but obviously you did at that moment, didn’t you? Hypersexuality does not excuse cheating or being a terrible partner. After the cheating, I was confronted with he fact that the person I was with looked and sounded exactly like the person I [thought I] had known. But I made arrangments with her. Think about get back together is completely normal, but after some time, at least for me, it make no sense. Do not sign birth certificate to the one currently in her belly Things were amazing in the beginning it was everything I could have ever wished for but almost 2 years in we went through a rough patch and she cheated on me. Honestly, you cheating and the divorce. Part 1. The best way I know would be to get her to admit the true reason she did this behind your back. It might have been that she's a bit insecure and at the time, the other dude was making her feel wanted and sexy etc. njsand2110. God was giving me a slap, a wake up call. Sometimes, infidelity is a sign of a broken relationship and broken trust, not the Things get messy when the parents stay together and obviously are unhappy with their situation and each other. This may have been the most important thing in his entire world. She has cheated more than once, and now has gotten pregnant by someone she cheated on you with She will only continue to cheat because she has no consequences. One night I called a few girls when I was drunk, including the girl I was seeing before her and tried to hookup with someone but I didn't. Not discussions on the state of dating… There isn't anything that you can do to unbreak him. You stay with her. Out of the blue, 5 hours after telling me how much she loves me, and the night after my birthday, she cheated. Shporpoise. Wife cheated on vacation. Then you tell your gf what you did and let her decide how to handle it. Eventually we broke up because I cheated on her while I was drunk on a footy trip. But that it only happened 3 days ago. She cheated on you. You cheating has now caused someone else to never trust you. im in a similar situation. We were eachothers first everything and i trusted her 100%. Quite frankly, if you believe you can work this out and trust her again, I say go for it. I'm Indian and the girl I was dating comes from a very conservative family. I do not know what your ex likes, but you need to open up some locks inside her heart. The days I don't have my baby girl are the days I can go on dates. Your healing is in your future not your past. AMA. Regardless of your decision to stay in your relationship or to go, we are here to support you on your path to recovery. I took her up on her offers, then divorced her. Hell, even stopping and going home halfway through the sexcapade would've been better than what you did. Keep your clothes safe. It may not be a good idea to try to get back together: If it feels impossible to rebuild the trust, then you are better off not getting back together. Recognize your error, repent, and get up and resolve not to do it again. My ex cheated on me at a party she threw because she was mad that i couldn’t come. You're even a bigger dick if you try to gaslight her into rebuilding the relationship that you obviously didn't care about. found out she had a crush on him 3 days ago she asked him out and he said yes. How can I regain her trust and faith in me? I begged her to stay, and for second chance, and she told me that she needs some time to think about it. Sep 22, 2023 · In addition, if you are getting back with your ex after cheating, you should remember these important points. After that he was always on edge because he got cheated on in his last relationship as well. Infidelity can be traumatic to both parties; we ask that all comments and content adhere to the sub rules. Tbh right after my ex break up with me I kept the "maybe we can reconnect in the future" thought, but a previous ex started to talk to me again trying to get another chance, I remember back in 2016 when this guy broke up with me and all I was thinking was "ok in I (M30) have been with my girlfriend (M30) for two years. My wife cheated on me then ended her life 3 days later. But her cheating showed me she was someone who could cheat on me. Manipulation in intimate relationships suck. Coming from a woman who suffers from hypersexuality and understands how shitty it can be: Look. I thought I knew her inside out and she knew me completely as well. She probably told you that because she knew you hadn't dated anyone and wanted to give herself a better chance to get back together. As far as I knew she had never cheated on anyone else with whom she had been in a relationship. Then move on to the new life you want. Report it. You would be just wating your time until she cheats again. But she used to stalk my socials and i used to do the same too and I reached out to her thinking she might come back to me but it only made Hello, I made a few posts a while back about my wife and how she was cheating on me with a guy at her work. Didn't even tell me I only found out today. At least. Either way it was different than before but still magical to be back with her. 7. Throughout our 9 months of dating not once did I meet his friends or family, nor did he mine. (Yes, you should feel bad you hurt her, but the reason it hurt her is because of the betrayal and lies, so start there. I really love her and i knew it was a mistake right after I cheated. He might not be able to forgive you for this, so you are going to have to be prepared to have to move on. It all depends on him. Posted by u/relationshipadvice56 - No votes and 5 comments Don't take her back! The relationship can't be the same with this, you would always have trust issues, and if someone can chet once will do it more. If you’re going to cross that line and betray his trust, betray his love, then buck the fuck up, grow the fuck up, be a grown woman, and take responsibility for your actions. I also believe you should have a rape kit completed. A little backstory. Cut contact and move on. 3M subscribers in the dating_advice community. Reply. ”. It really DOES. He’s not interested. I told her that actions have consequences and I will never forgive her for cheating. So, after telling my Ex (29F) that we were getting a divorce, the gaslighting went into overdrive. Don't expect your partner to trust you again right away. Trauma suppresses memories too and they may well come back. I was on tinder, talking to other girls, sexting other girls but I never met with anyone. This is the biggest regret of my life and I can only imagine it will be forever. She kept crying and I told her to move back in with her parents for the time being. The best thing you can do is move on from that space you were in, and continue on that path of self improvement. Get a rape kit done if it's not too late. I wouldn’t do it, exes are exes for a reason, but you do you. If you really care about her let her go, she deserves better than you. Whether YOU can accept it without rage. I get it. Cheating's one thing, I think most cheaters just think they can get away with and don't care that much about who they hurt. I'm heartbroken and I just breakup with her. So the title says it all, i cheated on my boyfriend and he left me 5 months ago. But writing off addiction and compulsion wholesale as 'just being a greasy piece of shit' isn't particularly insightful. I should start out by saying that my ex-girlfriend/fiancé, Rachel, is one of the most caring and thoughtful people I have ever met. • 3 yr. At first she told me it was only over Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 6 comments It wasn't a circumstantial situation. Cut it off or you're going to do something you will regret. nd sf kt ax yd gp la wu ih im