Best. My combined rating is 96% without bilateral factoring; here's the breakout: 50% Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Cut off diary (milk solid) This is not a part of low-inflammatory diet but I also cut off cow bile which was one of the components of Hello, it looks like you're asking about medical concerns when joining the military. Hello all, this is my first time posting here and just wanted to introduce myself and get some thoughts on my situation. Dizziness. 3000 IU/day). I have hypothyroidism and am in the Air Force. Your lab results above show you were not in the hyper phase. Waivers are decided on a case-by-case basis. ncr. " I’ve seen the obvious, thank you. Hypothyroidism has a bad reputation due to it being associated with weight gain. I thought there was a problem with my hormones because I’ve been feeling highly unmotivated, depressed, fatigued, and tired for the last 6 months. However, free T4 number is low (0. Been there, done that- very unpleasant. The thyroid medication that they use in pets (for both hypo and hyper) is a very old medication (not that it doesn’t work!) and doesn’t cost very much relative to other more modern drugs. Sadly there is no cure, which is why meds are important to keep the symptoms at bay and the disease from worsening. The latter cat died a few weeks into taking her meds, the former lived several more years. Eat early dinner too (6pm) if you're having digestive issues which is also why avoiding animal protein at dinner is helpful. Thank you. I caught it really early in one cat and late in another. OP • 4 yr. I was originally going for the Navy and passed all the medical boards and stuff for that. 1 comment. Contact your provider if you are being treated for hyperthyroidism and you develop symptoms of underactive thyroid, including: Depression. 9 ng/dL My TSH is <0. 79) which is more congruent with hypothyroidism. RoyalFisher2025. The results came out. They basically told me I have hyperthyroidism. I was able to get a waiver for hypothyroidism to join the Army, be prepared to wait several months and provide a lot of medical documents. T3 shot up from normal to 343 (normal range 78-178) and T4 shot up from normal to 2. I deal with ADHD with a low daily intake of cafeine - equivalent to 3, sometimes 4 expressos (I'm european). Award. list. . The recruiter can give you the details. Most would have missed it. Get sleep and make sure you are getting good quality sleep. Now there's another type of 100% the VA gives out and that's IU, or Individual Unemployability. A beta blocker is an absolute must to close up the adrenaline receptors, especially around the heart. Anyone diagnosed with hypothyroidism/Hashimoto after COVID. The largest military subreddit on reddit. I'm not sure if these are typical hyperthyroidism symptoms but I know that hand tremors, heart palpitations, total muscle weakness, and insomnia are. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Interestingly, high dose thyroid hormone therapy is a studied treatment for bipolar disorder - with particular efficacy in rapid cycling subtypes. With all of this information, does anyone have any advice or concern regarding hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome or something else? I've researched the symptoms and I display many symptoms of these conditions, but would like some conversations to assist me with further digging. mil 470K subscribers in the Military community. Hypothyroidism is not a condition to get discharged over. Hypo and hyper people both feel exhausted, fatigued, brain fogged, crappy, and lose energy. It seems so severe that I can’t believe people live like this. (b) All hypothyroidism. 5 (normal range 0. Dec 13, 2023 · Total Disability, Individual Unemployability (TDIU), and Hypothyroidism. Apr 11, 2024 · Having more or less energy than usual. Weight gain, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, hypoglycemia, mood swings, depression, hair loss, dry skin, joint pain. I’ve also been having joint pain in my hips and shoulder for almost 6 months ago. classy2unique. Cut off vegetable oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil and other unhealthy seed oils and switched to healthy oils (Check this page -> website ) Cut off sugar and artificial sweeteners. Veterans unable to work due to hypothyroidism may qualify for TDIU benefits, providing compensation at the 100% disability rate. If your calcium is normal, you need to take A LOT of vitamin D. The Endocrine System is made up of the hypothalamus, thymus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands So the essential medication‘s for me are Zoloft and atenolol. This is a huge one. 3. 8 (Reference range: . If you are a media member with a request or query, please contact Office of the Surgeon General/Army Medical Command Public Affairs at usarmy. I got COVID and six months later I was diagnosed with hypo. He also went on bubble. This sub cannot definitively tell you whether you're eligible. After getting COVID, I had extreme exhaustion for 2 months, which is well know post-COVID effect. This exactly! Hypoglycemia and feeling faint / off-balance, nausea, pretty much Recently diagnosed 2 weeks ago at age 21, tsh was skyrocketed at 300. Contact your local recruiter. The only reason why I would consider filing a claim for hypothyroidism secondary to PTSD is that there is new/emerging literature indicating that there are more female veterans with PTSD(MST) and Hypothyroidism; and there is an additional study (possible two) linking non-military women with PTSD and hypothyroidism. DQ standard (s) (requires waiver (s)) : Current hypothyroidism unless asymptomatic and demonstrated euthyroid by normal TSH testing within the previous 12 months. So the literature says that Hyperthyroidism is triggered by antibodies that our immune system makes. Hyperthyroidism and hydrocodone. Each branch can be very different and saying "the military" isn't helpful. But test results will have to be provided to get in. Finally got all blood work and ultrasound done and endocrinologist . Hypothyroidism isn’t a cake walk and neither are the hyper and hypo thyroid symptoms we can experience with Hashimotos, but my heart goes out to those that battle Graves’ disease and hyperthyroidism. I am not able to sleep or think properly and my skin is breaking out around face and chest. I have had many of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism including severe muscle weakness resulting in tendonitis, 3am chest pains and anxiety attacks, persistent nightmares, sleeplessness, hand, arm and leg tremors, leg cramps, shortness of breath, blood pressure over 240 and a 30lb weight loss. It was not considered a disqualifying illness. Along with pituitary adenoma (TSH secreting adenoma?), both point to hyperthyroidism more than hypo. Hi, on what basis was hypothyroidism diagnosed? TSH number below 0. 35 High; Total T3 = 130 Normal; ABs So I did, and my TSH dropped from 0. If you are 100% IU or TDIU (Total disability through Individual If you have hyperparathyroidism, that could be depleting your vitamin D and running up your calcium. It is not an automatic DQ. The downside is that you will take it for the rest of your life and there is no formula dictating what dosage is the right one for you. Basically the body isn't able to regulate the body temperature correctly because the thyroid is overactive. They will do a blood test and go off of that. I really appreciate your input on this. ETA- All the symptoms above are correct, you may also Hello, it looks like you're asking about medical concerns when joining the military. Specify Army, Navy, etc. ace2573 • 5 yr. So I'll try to make this as short and sweet as possible. My thyroid disease causes my heart to beat fast and that caused an increase in my anxiety. hqda-otsg. FIRExxFOX. ***Please use a clear title for your question: clear titles get clear answers. But Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is independent of that. 7 hours minimum, but atleast 8 is recommended. I know the weight loss is from not eating enough calories due to gerd and gastritis but wondering if it is all connected. We have a follow up appointment next month. ASVAB Explained My periods range from 22-31 days, getting shorter each time. It’s also pretty easy on the bodyagain IIRC. Magnesium and Vitamin D are good starters but again, reducing if not almost fully getting rid of dairy and not eating too many iodine rich foods may help. Hypercalcemia can cause fatigue and constipation. Anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody: 46 (Reference range: 0-34) Thyroxine, serum, free: 1. I've had an elevated TSH level (6. My mom has hyperthyroidism and she went undiagnosed for years. I was just wondering if what I’m dealing with is normal. My question is do I take my Meds during the blood work or not. •. The most common type of thyroid problem is Graves disease or a variant of Graves disease which is an autoimmune disease that basically means your thyroid does not 'know' how to function properly, and you ability to handle different stimulants can change month to month depending on your thyroid's 'mood'. Hyperthyroidism is more common in females than in men. The antibodies unfortunately mimic the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and thus there's an unregulated signalling to the Thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones whenever this antibody is in the blood. Radioactive Iodine uptake scan ( termed thyroid scintigraphy) will show how much of your thyroid gland is uptaking the iodine to produce the thyroid hormone. This is the only way to manage the anxiety and Palpitations from being hyper. ***"The military" is vague. So I just heard the news that Baekhyun has Hypothyroidism. e. My initial rating was 80%, increased to 90% five years ago, and finally increased to 100% P&T (thanks to the PACT Act) earlier this year. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago (I am 24F) with hyperthyroidism after being tacicardic, losing 25 lbs in a span of about a month, being constantly hot and tired, having swelling in my throat, hair Some of the memory problems may be depression related, as well, since hypothyroidism can induce depression and depression can induce memory problems. month 1-4: insomnia, increased heart rate month 5-6: tinitus, double vision, irritability month 7-8: heart palpitations, hand tremors, started weight loss, anxiety, panic attacks, increased appetite (about 3x food intake) month 9-12: thyroiditis, weight loss (about 25lbs), atrophy (muscle loss), some hair loss. Your age will also work against you; it is This effect is dose-dependent, meaning the more you consume, the more it depresses the TSH levels [5] [6]. 222 to 0. The upside to this is that you will be treated for hypothyroidism. 5 doesnt corroborate hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism: What are/were your symptoms ? Just to compare with mine. Low Testosterone can result in impaired conversion of T4 (storage hormone) to T3 (active hormone), which can make you feel hypothyroid even though you are producing enough. Good luck to you both. I take 20mg twice a day. Can I take 20mg hydrocodone with hyperthyroidism I have a fast heart beat from it and just wanna know what drugs I could do with hyperthyroidism (not taking any medication for hyperthyroidism) 1. It couldn't hurt for you to ask for a blood test to rule out thyroid issues. So before starting a thyroid replacement regime check them. it's when you start linking everything with hyperthyroidism, lifestyle improve kar in general cheezo normal hone lagegi and yes there are studies that state it affects the brain in N number of ways . To qualify, veterans must demonstrate how hypothyroidism significantly impairs their ability to work. What you actually gain is water weight. I have a hyperthyroidism and due to that it causes me to have a fast heart rate. This link is intended for requests from the media that do not require a response prior to the next business day. But you can be in the hypo or normal phase, and your TSH will be normal. Top 10 Things You Should Know Before You Join the Military. In addition to those conditions listed in article 15-56, the following condition is disqualifying: (a) Hypoglycemia or documented history thereof including post-prandial hypoglycemia or if symptoms significant enough to interfere with routine function. Please consider joining our discord for the latest updates… I've been in the Army for 7 years and this is the first time I've ever heard of hypothyroidism being an issue. They told me that despite the fact that I have hypothyroidism to lie at MEPS and then when I was approved, they would push my waiver through by saying “it happened after she enlisted in the I have hyperthyroidism and have been researching the effects of AAS on the thyroid, but cannot find definitive answers. Hey, thank you. My doctor also prescribed 5 mg of methimazole and 10mg propranolol to hold me over in the meantime. r/newtothenavy •. Lots of other symptoms hot and sweaty, extreme mental symptoms (feels like I need to be admitted to a psych ward but I can’t logically explain when my emotions range so vastly) , shaking , hair loss , weight loss , I’ve always had a big appetite and been skinny but my body has now suddenly been feeling so depleted that I don Soloists. otsg-medcom-pao@mail. people with hyperthyroidism can live a good quality of life. Consult AR 40-501. Weight gain is a major trigger for many even though hypothyroidism is the most easily manageable disorder there is, compared to many others. Unfortunately her hyperthyroidism also caused her eye problems including eye bulging, pain, weakness of vision, dizziness, light sensitivity. I have heard it's better to err slightly on the hypo (subclinical Hyperthyroidism is the exact reason why I'm not medicated. I'm grateful for the sharp PA who palpated a slightly enlarged thyroid and ran the tests, even though I was a normal weight and felt well. I have experienced it. I have experienced almost every symptom, mainly severe depression, brain fog, swollen and very puffy face (strangely at a low bf % of 10%), rapidly thinning hair, etc. Fast or Things that boost the thyroid: Iodized salt, carbs, t2, iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron. And I have seen that I can join as long that it is controlled. It went away then 2 months later exhaustion/sleepiness came back This is due to the fact that the disease slowly destroys the heart. Edit: didn't see that you had a thyroidectomy. Some organs, like the kidney, also help in producing hormones. I'd start with 20000 IU daily for 2 weeks, then 20000 IU once weekly (i. Your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) should be over 2k calories per day. Reply. They tend to gain weight (instead of lose), etc A sub for anyone to ask questions about the military. The most critical of those two is the atenolol. My pre-medicated numbers were: TSH = 10. Cut off gluten. HYPERthyroidism is described above - too much thyroid hormone. I was wondering if any of you have had your thyroid levels checked and if this may be a cause of your sweating. Rapid, irregular heartbeat. EBofEB • 7 yr. ADHD meds are stimulants and that's the last thing you want to take when you have Hyperthyroidism. Been on 50 of levo and haven’t noticed any improvement yet. My xrays and other blood tests have come out normal besides the hyperthyroidism. There is no black and white answer. Sort by: OutrageousCommon. I have been doing some research lately and found that hyperthyroidism can be a cause of excessive sweating. Sort by: Add a Comment. BUT the more you think about it instead of working towards it the more you feel Here's what I'm on: Low Fodmap, Gluten Free, Vegan dinners, lactose free, limited dairy. If your "friend" can document that his condition is r/Hyperthyroidism: A place to share experiences and opinions on Hyperthyroidism Nothing you list is a symptom of hyperthyroidism which include weight loss, diarrhea, palpitations, muscle weakness, insomnia, anxiety, increased sweating, irritability, nervousness, feeling hot all the time, tremors, hyperactivity An exercise habit is amazing! But most people unintentionally eat back the calories they burn through exercise. I am planning to get bloodwork done again, but these are my results from the last one. I'm a 54M and have been on 50 mcg of Synthroid for a total of 2 months. No doctor in their right mind can turn you away from taking medicine (which is half the battle for people here). The Endocrine System is a network of glands that create hormones to help regulate the body. You may find the below links helpful: Head To Head Comparison of the Military Branches. Lots of people have it - the sooner you get treatment for it, the sooner you will start feeling better. Her last hyperthyroidism analysis were perfect her THS levels were great the doctor told her that she overcame the dangerous phase but her eye are still getting worse and worse everyday! Hyperthyroidism causes the same symptoms as depression (sleeplessness, constant tiredness, high blood pressure, unexplainable stress, anxiety, nervousness and agitation, weight loss and etc) The symptoms usually explain 80% of depression symptoms, so they first check if you have hyperthyroidism, which is easily treatable unlike depression is Posted by u/Secure_Astronaut2554 - 8 votes and 13 comments A normal 100% rating from the VA is because the data they've collected over the years tells them that on average someone with your disability/disabilities wouldn't be able to work. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune condition called Graves’ disease. I just checked the results and I’m just very anxious about what it all means and how bad my hyperthyroidism is. Otherwise we'll assume you're American. HYPOthyroidism is just the opposite - the thyroid, for one reason or another, doesn't release a significant amount of hormone. I think they definitely worsen each other, as both can cause stress and anxiety, and get worse when you are stressed. In a matter of weeks! My doctor told me I have hyperthyroidism and to start on methimazole but I havent heard much from her since. Hyperthyroidism medicines may or may not work right away depending on your age or severity of abnormal hormone levels. Thus hyperthyroidism may promote ketoacidosis in the face of normal insulin action. That’s the best thing I have heard. It’s an imbalance of hormones. It isn't a cure for anxiety, but it helps. by Powerful-Nave. Treating hypothyroidism without first treating this adrenal fatigue will cause hyp er thyroidism symptoms even while some or all of the hypothyroidism symptoms remain. Plus my period is very irregular. I had OCD symptoms since as long as I can remember, and was diagnosed with Graves Disease (hyperthyroidism) junior year of high school, with symptoms of it showing up years earlier. Go to an emergency room or call 911 or the local emergency number if you have: Change in consciousness. Hypothyroidism in the Navy. It's really neat to see one of my favourite idols with the same condition as me. 4) since 2022, maybe even earlier but that's the first Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Hello, I wanted to reach out and reply to your post. 22 Normal; TPO = 34 Norm/High; TG = 409 High; T3 not tested. There’s some days where I felt okay but You can try natural methods for your anxiety and mental health symptoms generally if you have them, but natural means will not help your heart or prevent a thyroid storm. It was pretty simple and all I had to do was submit my last 2 (?) years or so of blood tests showing my levels were stable. 6 High; T4 = 1. The one thing I am afraid of is ANY hyperthyroid symptoms. If you were eating 1900 calories per day, you should be (very) slowly losing weight. I have never seen a case where hypothyroidism, by itself, has been grounds for a finding of disability. I have looked online and seen that it can be a disqualification. We can establish that you have thyrotoxicosis, due to the increased circulating thyroid hormone. My T4 value is 2. To my understanding, you receive a 0% rating for hypothyroidism however you can get individual ratings for the hypothyroid symptoms that manifest. I have a ton of food sensitivities and am still a work in progress, most of the supplements on the market are geared towards hypothyroidism. Everyone else just says no and I’ll get permanently discharged. Get full physical and lab work done, full thyroid panel, include b12, d3, ferritin levels to labs, bonus for getting MTHFR (will let you know what supplements may be best for you Your rest days can be light exercise. ( I have hypothyroidism not to be mistaken for hyperthyroidism) Have you asked your recruiter? I did but he was unsure himself. 5) The Root cause of Hyperthyroidism?? Question. Do take the prescribed medication to help your body be healthy and stay alive. Mental and physical sluggishness. What your stating is 2 different things, some symptoms are the same, but hyperthyroidism typically have more serious symptoms, with some of them being life threatening. IIRC, the pills are actually going to be your cheapest option. 020 Low; Free T4 = 2. Trouble swallowing. You sound like you have that face recognition problem. A swollen thyroid, called a goiter (you might see swelling at the base of your neck) Losing weight suddenly, without trying. I currently take a beta blocker to keep my heart rate, as well as a thyroid blocker. But I don't want to permanently ruin my endocrine system. This decrease in TSH levels causes a decrease in synthesis of T4 and T3 in the thyroid gland and consequent lower circulating T4 and T3 levels [5] [6] . Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Hyperthyroidism. [deleted] • 3 yr. 77) TSH: 4. Devoted to the education, treatment, and healing of all forms of hypothyroidism. Just to clarify if you have Hashimoto, it means that you are hypothyroid. 450 - 4. Go get tested, please. I have subclinical hypothyroidism, based on one blood panel. Snake oil. 2). Include your country if you're not asking about the US military. I (23/F) was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism about a week ago and have to wait a month my endocrinologist appointment. But starting with a mile is a great way to create a routine and get stronger to do more. Best of luck! 1. Add a Comment. "Hypothyroidism uncontrolled by medication does not meet the standard" - In other words, as long as the condition IS controlled by meds, you are fine. IOW, you can have no thyroid gland (thyroidectomy Inconsistent with symptoms of Hyperthyroidism but TSH levels are elevated? Hyperthyroidism. TH promotes lipolysis in adipocytes by several mechanisms and it may increase ketogenesis in the liver as well. ***Your post must be a question; chat posts are not allowed. I’m currently taking no medication for it and I’m wondering if taking 20mg hydrocodone 325 acetaminophen is okay for me. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games I had a total thyroidectomy in 2018 and when I got out in March of 2022, I was rated 0% service connected by the VA for hypothyroidism. " I even made it as far as MEPS and the doctor there said it was fine, too. The symptoms of an overactive thyroid could include unintentional weight loss, anxiety, sweating, frequent bowel movements, the problem in sleeping, and muscle weakness. Good steady sleep promotes weight loss and a more focused day. This results in the exact opposite effects as I described above. So three months on that dosage. 08 ng/dL (Reference range: . Three years, developing anxiety, great heart palpitations, chest tightness, dizziness, brain fog, memory loss, cognition issues, itchy patches of dry eczema like skin, occasional hand tremors, spikes of terrifying anxiety that I can't pinpoint the cause of, muscle cramping, muscle weakness, overall lack of Hey everyone, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism a few months ago but have not been medicated for it. Just wondering if anyone else deals with stomach issues. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a peasant. In such a case, taking levo worsens the symptoms. Grave's disease usually will have diffuse Hi folks, I stumbled upon this: Nondiabetic Ketoacidosis Caused by Severe Hyperthyroidism Which, granted, follows one single patient, but got me worried. ago. Alright guys. 2. Hyperthyroidism and blood pressure. I have had hair loss, high anxiety, palpitations and weight loss which are all hyperthyroid symptoms. mil. Hyper people can also feel hungry all the time, so that can also contribute to weight gain. IMO it can be a symptom for some people. 01 mcIU/mL My T3 is 358 ng/dL Hyperthyriodism is easiest to treat the earlier you catch it. Hypothyroidism. Usually, if you're in the hyper phase of Graves', your TSH will be close to zero. 5. • 5 yr. Does anyone have this or know if it could be a symptom? Thanks! Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games 1. my doctor sent me for blood tests. Hypothyroidism is not a type of medical condition that is considered a "disabling impairment," absent extreme physical manifestations, such as fainting, that affect you on a consistent basis. They can easily fix it with medication or even vitamins. The easiest way to do that is the pupil test: The biggest change came when I had to still working out, it made me lazy, weak, and listless. I was looking for personal experience when your adrenal aren’t properly working, especially when you have exercise intolerance. Age - 17, Sex - F, Height - 5'8, Weight - 119lbs, Race - White, COR - Australia, no existing medical issues, no current medication, no drug use, no smoking status. We are not doctors. One typically has Graves disease when they are hyperthyroid. • 4 yr. I'm glad to know he's doing military service that's suitable for his condition. My TSH jumped from 3 (pre-covid) to 7 (post-COVID) in 8 months. I want to join the marines but I take levothyroxine which is for hypothyroidism. So I was diagnosed for hyperthyroidism a few months ago back in august and have been on 30mg methimazole and 100mg metoprolol due to the palpitations, high blood pressure (190/120 at ER) and high pulse (180). I was called and told to get more blood tests done and then see an endocrinologist. We are also not the ones deciding if you will be disqualified from service for a condition, or if you can get a waiver for it. 002. 82 - 1. 26 year old male. Okay seems about the same for me even light exercise is too much. It is possible that because of your low Testosterone you 3 Years Hyperthyridic. 1. Don’t go on a keto diet. Thyroid disease didn't cause my anxiety, but it was much easier to deal with my anxiety without my heart racing. How Diet Impacts The military diagnosed my hypothyroidism shortly after I enlisted and put me on treatment. I recently had my first blood draw since being on thyroid meds that resulted in the following: TSH = . That is a really high dose but your height and weight may have something to do with it. As already mentioned, side effects are minimal to non existent. Usually supplementation with high doses of hormone won't necessarily produce hyperthyroidism in these patients. Helps with metabolism too. true. These hormones control the growth of new cells and metabolism. Hence decreased physical movement can lead to weight gain. I have been talking with an army recruiter and in order to join I have to have bloodwork done for my hypothyroidism. The biggest symptom we saw was extreme weight loss, and weight loss despite no change in exercise/eating. 6-1. 50% Mild neurocognitive disorder (secondary to colon cancer) I (24F) was diagnosed with subclinical hyperthyroidism last month. Treatment usually starts to work from 1 to 8 weeks, but it may take up to 6 months for the T4 levels to fall within normal range. from the manmed: (7) Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders. It is a lay term applied to a collection of nonspecific symptoms, such as body aches,fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances and digestive problems. However, your T3 (triiodothyronine) is on the high side of normal, so I'm not sure that you are having that problem. I was originally planning on joining the marine corps so I went to a recruiting station. A similar blunting with longterm use of cannabis is seen with cortisol secretion Hydrocodone and hyperthyroidism. Even if we were, we are not the doctors that are familiar with your personal medical concern or condition. People tend to be cold (instead of hot). I'm hypothyroid and I got a waiver (as recently as 2008) because the condition "is controlled with medication. Now I have talked to recruiters regarding this and she has told me that I can join as long as I have a waiver. See full list on health. I have been lifting since high school (currently 32) and have been considering AAS. I know he struggled with his weight before but hopefully he has had access to doctors Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games A TSH test is different. qc mm yx fh yt xp xp rl nr yu