Female physician reddit

Female physician reddit

Average age at medical school graduation was 27. I am getting married soon, and I am having an existential crisis about changing my name. 1. Posted by u/Yawehg - 21 votes and 24 comments The reason female doctors have higher divorce rates than male doctors is because women care more about the financial status of their partners than men do. 3K votes, 751 comments. Is being a Doctor a turn off?? Im a resident physician. Women also tend to "date up. They don't care how much money she makes or if she has a fancy degree. For starters I am not a Female or a Physician so please don’t boot me! My name is Sean and I’m an Air Force Physician recruiter. But also, in my experience, non teaching hospitals are the opposite. ttruth1. It was totally fine. On rounds as a student with a team of female surgeons on plastics, patient ignores them all to ask me a question addresses me a “doctor”. Reply. Also, female doctors have a reputation for being better at speaking to patients, but speaking and listening, while invaluable in diagnosis, don't pay as much as doing procedures. For urology - male - more relatable. Women are less likely to die when treated by female doctors, study suggests. These women would travel to different houses to treat the women there. As a sensitivity analysis, we examined Hedonester. It is designed to highlight the differences between a medical doctor and midlevels in areas including training, research, outcomes, and lobbying. Innovation driven by awkwardness. Sometimes it’s due to wanting someone who can provide for them, but there are few men out there who can provide better for them than they themselves can. Bmi: 20. A few people have told me that it might be less awkward once I'm an actual physician, but I'm not sure. How many female doctors married male nurses? So women have multiple, multiple pressures placed against them from different directions and men really just have 1 maybe 2 major ones. I'm a 27 y/o female PA. Second of all, in terms of male anatomy and sexual health, even though she may very well be an excellent doctor I would prefer a male doctor because he and I would be able to relate and understand each other more. We had our first child when she was a PGY4. But I think highly intelligent people are just different. Id like to change my primary doctor. Switched over to Kaiser the next year and like my primary just fine. Most women who express an opinion on this seem to say that dating doctors is actually not desirable; because doctors are usually too busy to commit to a relationship, are usually arrogant, etc. Check out Premier Medical Clinic, Windermere Plaza Medical Clinic, and the Women's Health Clinic of Edmonton. I find it's just easier for me to relax and feel at ease around them, probably because of the feminine presence. Personally, I feel like I have had a much harder time in the dating scene (especially dating apps) since starting medical school. I believe I'm atleast average. Two other women in her residency had children during residency. Write a script if you need to. I was about to ask my old jewish doctor for some viagra but there's was a group of young student hotties there and I chickened out. I CONSTANTLY have other providers, particularly physicians, wildly underestimate how much I know and my ability as a clinician. A lot of female doctors have a chip on their shoulder, they don't tend to take advice like their male counterparts. Male doctors never listen to what I have to say and routinely give garbage advice. Women are less likely to improperly diagnose an ailment because of preconceived notions or unwillingness to listen. When I completed my final year of high school, I had the marks for undergrad medicine (I'm in Australia, education system is different - we go straight from school to university). rightbythebeach. Being a doctor for a man is attractive to women. He prefers keeping everything separate, even during marriage, instead of considering it marital property. Most of the common ones I just shrug off "Nurse, get me a blanket!". It’s a mental health thing. It’s possible to find and foster a healthy, happy relationship as a female physician. It’s also why male trainees and physicians get treated nicely but a female physician gets bullied or attitude for the same thing. Share. I am being asked to change my last name to my husband’s (who is also an MD, and a traditionalist), but the idea makes my sphincter I'm a female resident physician marrying another high earner, and we're hashing out our prenup. Hmm, younger female doctor eh. OraDr8. Then couldn’t get pregnant despite having regular cycles and a normal work up. Both are totally rad and wonderful, life just has interfered with hooking up. However, there is a much larger percentage of male PAs in regards to the total number of PAs than there are male nurses in regards to the total number of nurses, so it isn't exactly the same situation. Women now make up a larger share of the workforce than in years past and will likely make up an even larger share in the future. Trust me, I'm a dude, I know. All the women I work with see her. OP, it's best you quietly and tactfully end the relationship asap. In our primary care clinic we are paid based on RVUs but the male physicians consistently see more patients per day than the female physicians. Zerefeh Bashur got her medical degree in 1911 from the University of Illinois College of Medicine. r/medicine is a virtual lounge for physicians and other medical professionals from around the world to talk about the latest advances, controversies, ask questions of each other, have a laugh, or share a difficult moment. Welcome to /r/orangecounty, the Reddit community for all things related to Orange County, California. 2. I came off of OCPs toward the end of fellowship and it took me at least 9 months to have regular ovulatory cycles after that. Today, I came across a post on the medical school subreddit in which male physicians and med students talked about how men prefer 20 year olds, men can marry whoever they want because their dating pool increases each year, and that older women are not as I’m a physician. The thing is, that does not attract men at all either. A primary care doctor would not be the one to diagnose you with ADHD or autism. Female doctors of reddit, what kind of sexism by patients bothers you? It's no surprise that female doctors often face sexism in the medical community. Megan Miller with Community Health. Location: midwest city. It’s not rude to ask to be scheduled with a female doctor, whether it’s a gynecologist or another type of doctor. I've only had male doctors in the past, and I'm tired of it. I've always thought female physicians are more competent than their male counterparts and if they can talk to nurses with respect, kindness and a sense of humour, things are usually plain sailing. Doctors would easily marry doctors, engineers , lawyers etc cause they’re on a similar level in terms of attainment and salary in their field. I had previously expressed them to my Gyno who disregarded them telling me I'm much too young for these problems. Nearly 20% of physicians are married to doctors, says a survey of more than 10,000 physicians in over 29 specialties that was published on the Medscape news website. Potential for NHSC loan repayment. As another poster said, there is hard data that large income disparities lead to cheating and divorce. Explaining you are a doctor and repeatedly mistaken for a nurse. Dr. Question / Help. • 2 yr. I have a male doctor at Peace Health and believe it or not, he was the first to listen to my concerns of a female sort. Even most of the doctors I know who married engineers , while technically still breadwinners, still married engineers who were in the top <10% earnings in the field not the starter pulling in 50k. The male nurses however are the worst, huge egos and treat the female midlevels completely differently than the males, questioning in front of patients, making rude comments, flat out declining to take vitals, etc when asked. The front end staff have always been absolutely appalling, but Yusefi has always been the BEST doctor. Please review our forum rules before contributing. This is in part what has continued to contribute to the gender imbalance at the attending level r/medicine. This is a weird question but I’m a good looking woman that happens to be a doctor. I only go to female gynaecologists, but I don't mind going to male doctors if there's nothing to do with my private parts. • 12 yr. You should look for a psychiatrist for that. ADMIN MOD. Question for other female PAs. I am an Air Force Physician Recruiter. Man" and female physicians by their first name. In terms of your specific situation I would look into short term disability insurance as it will Not a doctor, but I thought this was a funny and relevant anecdote. (I went on a date with a nurse who was an anti-vaxer and believed in a lot of other BS. And while I’m sure some of it is having less free time, I am genuinely starting to wonder if being a med student is making me an overall less desirable dating candidate, especially to guys in non-medical careers. For pre-PA help, check out /r/prephysicianassistant. Men don't value the same qualities in a woman, at all. All of said conversations ended with "good luck with nursing. And as you all know, worked damn hard to get here. I am a resident physician who has spent the last decade of my life trying to build a better life for myself career wise. _____ "Noctor" refers to midlevels (NP, PA, CRNA, CNM, etc. A majority (82. I could never imaging having another last name and being an only child of an only child, leaves me the last living person with my name. There's also the additional Medicare tax - it hits single people at $200k and married couples at $250k, which means there's a penalty for married households making $250k or more. I see Dr. I unfortunately struggled with infertility and I wish that infertility in female physicians was more talked about. I struggled with an eating disorder, she didn't question me once. Plus you have a witness to back you up if you file a complaint. Physicians: Male - 52%, Female - 48%. Life could be like living in fallout to fairly "westernized" if you live in Riyadh or Jeddah where there are compounds and clandestine social events. 6 years, and at first pregnancy was 30. This is commonplace. Air Force Physician Opportunities. 58. Doctors are idiots and I Anytime any of the subreddits bring up a female physician/ med student etc and their experiences in dating, people come out of the woodwork hot with essays that talk about, but not limited to: fertility issues men want younger women older women being “less attractive” women having high standards About 85% of physicians are married, according to an online survey, and these doctors often marry other doctors or other health professionals. Are they accounting for the types of physicians women tend to make up compared to men? We examined the association between physician sex and 30-day mortality and readmission rates, adjusted for patient and physician characteristics and hospital fixed effects (effectively comparing female and male physicians within the same hospital). 😬. Women get satisfaction from their partner making more than them and men usually aren’t fans because it makes them feel inferior because society judges men that can’t provide for their wives. (that and their insane schedules) 2. How long it might be really just depends on compatibility. It makes no sense to go to a guy for advice on how to deal with periods and pregnancy. She let him bend over a bit while stabilizing himself on the sink, and she reaches between his legs with a washcloth/glove because she saw a lump of stool still hanging there. The female physician who popularised the Pap smear. Kentucky has no parental/maternity leave laws for the state so your employer can do whatever they want to do. However, whether patient outcomes differ between male and female physicians is largely unknown. The stethoscope was invented by a doctor who didn’t want to put his ear up to the chest of a big busted female patient. I can't stand a physician of either gender being short, disrespectful or dismissive towards nurses. The physician refused to feel my hand strength, arm strength or leg strength for a neuro exam. She grabs and pulls, and the man screams. They become a robot on a wheel and get comfortable. The daughter of a former slave, Helen Octavia Dickens empowered teen mothers and pioneered the popularity of the Pap smear, helping to save hundreds of lives. In my experience, teaching hospitals have more of this as there are more people within dating age for a female MD to date a male nurse or vice versa. Went to a party over the weekend and had several conversations about medical school with people including the logistics of the match. This is all anecdotal evidence, but hopefully, it'll help understand real life as a Doctor. The points you make are very valid. Here’s a sample script for your chat with the receptionist: “Hi this is OP. I will wear makeup extensions. Maybe the others saying they have god complexes just weren’t a good mental match for the physician they were dating. My wife is an orthopedic surgeon. Edit: Also, I know plenty of female doctors who have kids without a problem. com) I really hope we can turn the page into a robust community to discuss the unique obstacles that female physicians face in the workplace, balancing life with a medical career, and other topics. Never wavering in her standards of care in the last 6 years, even through the pandemic. And I think it’s likely important to be with someone who can think on your level. I believe there was a study that suggested that female patients also do better with female surgeons. They’ll understand. I can only attribute her refusal as being related to her faith and it being considered haram to touch a male non relative. 42 to 0. r/AskWomenOfColorOver30 • 3 yr. Yusefi at cornerstone medical clinic, in Westbrook mall. For example, a married couple shares one $10k SALT cap if they itemize, versus two single people can each deduct $10k of SALT. There was a much wider variety of female medical workers who weren't born to medical families who literati male doctors routinely mocked as uneducated old grannies who provided most hands-on medical care to women needing their services for illnesses or childbirth. I’ve specifically asked for this in many different situations, such as scheduling with a GP, psychiatrist, or dermatologist. Nurse Practitioners: Male - 8%, Female I’ve never dated a physician and can’t comment on that. There's a number of reasons for that, but it's pretty obviously true empirically. Of course, there are women physicians who leave for the kids too, but a lot are choosing to leave for other reasons. I've got two female doctor friends. That Michigan study from a few years back revealed that 40% of female physicians drop to part-time or quit entirely roughly 7-10 years after completing residency. So women end up speaking a lot and men end up doing procedures a lot. Participation is open to anyone, including PAs, Physicians, NPs, nurses, students, other medical professionals, and the general public. In 2006, on a plane over Las Vegas, the flight attendant called for any doctor on board. MembersOnline. Thanks for this post! Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research. It’s not common and it’s not uncommon. Happens more often if the surgeon in the room is female. WTF no your not overreacting. But was told by my soon to be upper level (I’m a incoming intern) that physicians should be ugly. It will depend on where you will work and if you speak Arabic. A second vote for Elizabeth Sanders. 14M subscribers in the TwoXChromosomes community. 15 votes, 18 comments. " Female (and any male who would like to weigh in) doctors of Reddit, I'm facing a quandary. End it on good terms, talk with his family. Trend when I left in 2016 was MUCH more toward physicians getting together with other physicians, as women/men in med school are now pretty much 50/50 (per Google, med school was more like 80% male/20% female when I graduated from nursing school in 1985). Looking for recommendations for a female physician in the Rochester area, thank you! Hijacking the top comment to say that Delta Airlines released a statement saying 4 other doctors said they could help, one of which supplied documents showing he was a doctor, whom then helped the passenger. 4% had biological children with an average of 2. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she’s at the Downtown Medical Clinic, the other days she’s at the Clearwater clinic on the north end. Take a few deep breaths before and during your call. 8. r/medicine. It means a lot that you would take time out of your day to congratulate a stranger. Her office is right off East Washington and 465 exit. It actually is a small contributing factor to burnout among female physicians. WeebofOz. 16 percentage points [pp] [95% CI, −0. Hello! I am posting here because I am looking for honest feedback from the community. For primary care - female - tend to be more communicative and easier to talk to. That said, you can practice what you want to say beforehand. Reply reply. I am seeing the $$ you’re getting for education materials at your hospitals, all the workshops,research opportunities…. If you identify yourself as a woman physician, resident, fellow, or medical student please consider joining r/FemalePhysicians FemalePhysicians (reddit. One is a neurologist and the other is a CDC epidemiologist. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Interesting article, written by a female physician, about boric acid. Male. This is a highly moderated subreddit. " Don't get me wrong, there is nothing bad about nursing but New Graduate ( Female PA )Job Posting. Edit: first physician in general but HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY Edit 2: Thank you all so much for the awards and your kind words. The problem is the majority of women docs, will also not marry or date guys who work in retail and make 50k/year longterm. Also there is a lot of data to show that women are less likely to be married with more education. ago. Importance: Studies have found differences in practice patterns between male and female physicians, with female physicians more likely to adhere to clinical guidelines and evidence-based practice. Dr Leah White on Celebrate Primary Care. Khurram works at the Downtown Medical Clinic as a walk-in if you have good timing. I prefer female, feminine doctors in general. This is not a sub for discussing nurses acting in a nursing role. Physician Assistants: Male - 34%, Female - 63%, Unreported - 3%. 3. 10 pp]). I (24f) just got back from a dermatologist appointment with a new office. As long as she doesn't believe in "alternative healing". I'm also a 30yo female. Overall the doctors are fine, some can be a little condescending but I don’t think it’s specific to female providers. vintage_creek • 8 mo. I’m going into pulmonary critical care fellowship this year, and I’ve told him how different my schedule is going to be. I take pride in my appearance. However, after several months on Reddit there seems to be the opposite trend! On women-oriented subs especially, like this one and twoxchromosomes. 0%) of the sample were parents, 77. On a personal note, I find successful women sexy, if they can save lives then strut around the house in only a lab coat, OH MY. There are qualitative studies that show that nurse bullying is a real thing and a result of the mysogny that is so prevalent in medicine. Myself/my female residents/my female attendings get called nurses on rounds almost daily. They shouldn’t care about their looks nor try to look too pretty. Yes, a family doctor provides care for both adults and children. 4 years. One large practice in my area has 34 physicians and the female doctors were all booked up for almost a year, but several of the male doctors had availabilities within a few weeks. Probably insecure about their authority. NOT Jennifer Sidman. Physicians in the US I’m someone whose filling to sacrifice leaving behind my family, my boyfriend to pursue residency in the US. A year later, I no longer have those problems. ) who pretend to be doctors. Doesn't make a difference to me. " With the rise of OF and other paid content platforms, how many of you have actually subscribed/paid to a content creator, why and was it worth it? THIS. Female doctor changing last name after marriage. As a future female physician and hopefully one day marrying my current boyfriend, I am keeping my polish name. ayla144144. The problem is, women think that this is symmetrical and that being a doctor is a cheat code to high quality men in the same way, and it just isn't. Also, mate who’s a nurse often gets mistaken for being a doctor despite his scrubs having nurse embroidered on them. In the looks department. Looking for a full-time female PA for a start date of 9/1/24. SO many patients transferring to me from a male provider because “I just prefer a female doctor, you guys are better listeners and spend more time” — I swear I hear that statement once a week. The EMG group has a female gyno that takes new patients if you need that specialized care. 5 years, at completion of training (completion of medical school, residency, and/or fellowship) was 31. 3 children. • 4 yr. It’s an incredibly common and reasonable thing to ask. I've seen it many times as a medical student and experienced it first hand as a resident. •. She refused any contact. He’s supportive and understanding, and I’m super happy. As for a slower pace of life that will depend on your medical qualification. None of the issues you will encounter as a two physician household are exclusive to orthopedic surgery. Jennifer Owen at HCA Primary Care. But i have atleast 1 weekend off every week and even if my schedual is whack sometimes, I have time to go out and meet people. Some of my guys friends have said that there is no way they'd go see a woman urologist. If they meet (and you meet) criteria for FMLA then they have to hold your job for you for up to 12 weeks (but they don't have to pay you!). The scheduling person I talked to said everyone wants a female doctor now, and most of the women who inquire choose to use a different practice rather than see a male 2. As I walked forward to help with a woman having a seizure, someone commented "Thank God, they found a nurse, at least. If any of y'all could point me to a female doctor at Kaiser Medical Offices in Victorville, CA, that'd be absolutely wonderful. This is your one-stop-shop for discussions, news, events, and local happenings in this sunny Southern California region. Turns out it wasn't stool she was grabbing, but the man's testicles. Relationships between doctors and nurses were very common, but we had lots of young residents. Otherwise, Dr. Please read the rules carefully before posting or commenting. Would you swipe left or right on a Female physician? From the original study, quote: “Both female and male patients had a lower patient mortality when treated by female physicians; however, the benefit of receiving care from female physicians was larger for female patients than for male patients (difference-in-differences, −0. Average fittness. There are very few women urologists in my city, but I have emailed a couple of them Just need to rant. You practically have to hold a gun to their head to make them shut up and acknowledge that they are wrong. Forever. We are specifically looking for a female PA because we have a large female patient base . Find a fellow physician or a non-physician partner that is secure with your job. First of all, I would probably feel more shy around a female physician examining my body, than a male physician. Female doctors skew younger. For starters, I am not a Female or a Physician. And as any juggler will tell you it's easier to juggle 13 items of the same kind than 5 different tems. Essentially, it states that his money stays his, mine stays mine, and all assets before and during marriage remain separate in a divorce. And PA students may be interested in /r/PAstudent for discussions about PA school. I used to have my primary care physician at UCI and it's a teaching office. Hi, endocrinologist here. The FIRST licensed female physician in all of the Levant was from Safita, on the Syrian coast. I've only met my current doctor once, but he completely dismissed a lot of what I said, and NEVER has appointments closer than 2 months. I have one of those classic hard to pronounce names, but plan to just go by “Dr. Finances & Offers. Once a man's self-esteem is gone, and he associates his emasculation with you, your relationship is done. Female, they're far less arrogant in my experience. From a physician supply perspective, studies and physician surveys show that female physicians tend to provide fewer services per week to patients and work fewer hours per week than their male counterparts. Well to be honest I prefer male for a good reason. Welcome to TwoXChromosomes, a subreddit for both serious and silly… ADMIN MOD. Yeah file a complaint. People will refer to male physicians as "Dr. Our lives are great. I am an MD. Outside of some rare fetishes, nearly all men won't have an attraction to you because of your profession. I went to a surgery talk where a woman was introduced as the new department chief, and the old surgeon introducing her said, "She's great! I think dating a nurse makes these sexists feel dominant still but dating a physician, once again, threatens their masculinity. I'll take a big, lumberjack-esque male doctor with a hella deep voice over a female doctor, but they're a lot harder to specifically look for. I have seen a lot of posts on here about the work/life balance, wanting to start a family and potentially quitting medicine because Going to completely depend on if female physicians actually stay in the work force. I recently attended a civilian physician recruiter training and the topic of female physicians leaving medicine to take care of their families was brought up A LOT. Particularly interested in a female dr like this in the IU Health network (work insurance lol) Not sure if it's close enough for you, but in the last couple of years I switched to Dr. Often it’s due to personal preferences. i’m not a physician, I’m an NP but it’s funny. 17. I'm an American and very accepting of people of ALL walks of life. G” It’s perfectly normal to prefer a female doctor for a gynaecological exam. Im female, and had been a surgeon for 30 years. I would have dated either one had time and circumstance permitted. I feel residency there would make me a great physician. I don't really see the big deal in this, as my gynecologist is a male. What you can also do is go to any doctor in the city and ask for a referal to a female gynecologist (they are far better equipped at helping with PCOS). We are a thriving family practice office located in the rural community of Parker, Arizona (85344). I got a female doctor after my last guy, because he fucked up in a way that left me crippled and suffering for months. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. 😡 Vent. That doctor is being inappropriate and down right creepy. Award. Although, girls aren’t nearly as picky in terms of looks compared to men. Dr Elizabeth Sanders at Integrative Health! She is a PCP and provides gyno care as well. You can always call the doctor's office and ask if they're accepting new patients. fc bg rg sb in wc op vk qj ng