Why did god give us free will if he knew we would sin. Perfection isn’t possible for us created beings.

Why did god give us free will if he knew we would sin We chose suffering. Verse 9 of Romans 7 makes an interesting point. An And God being blameless and sinless, cannot coexist with sin. Thank you for your post Joshua ! Now to get back to homework 🙂. Other Christians try to affirm both God did indeed know that humanity that humanity was eventually going to sin when he created Adam and Eve. He knows better. Jesus’ amazing life, death, and Resurrection show us how great God’s love is for us. Verily, that is easy for Allaah - [al-Hadeed 57:22] Permit me a little exercise in theological philosophy and logic. Everything that happy to us today, lets look back at Job he never give up, he said the Lord give the Lord take. We are the ones who turned away and chose independence from Him. My best guess, we have life on loan, from when God breathed life into us. Please read our rules before commenting and understand that your comments will be removed if they are not up to standard or otherwise break the rules. With this “free will,” they chose to sin. Yet, God made man knowing he would sin and separate himself from Him. We chose death. That requires that we have the freedom to do so. 1:4, “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:” This is yet another factor that is not considered when one asks, “Why did God He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds” (Titus 2:11–14, NLT). How can god be “all knowing” but give us “free will”. We are destroying ourselves. Even if he claims to punish them when their life is over, he has no mercy for the poor souls he allows to be raped and killed. God's glory is also revealed in His The answer lies in the concept of "concurrence" - God's sovereign will flowing concurrently with our free choices. The Bible says that God created the earth for a purpose, and that purpose is His glory (Psalm 19:1–2; 50:6; Isaiah 6:3; Romans 11:36). God knew this dramatic demonstration of wrath would be remembered and serve as a warning to subsequent generations. Why did God give the angels this choice, when He knew what the results would be? God knew that one third of the angels would rebel and therefore be cursed to the eternal fire. God knew that man would sin, but by allowing it to happen He was able to show the redeemed I find this in my church family and my own family. Some Christians affirm free will but deny traditional omniscience (e. Could God have created a perfect being with free will that would never sin? Consider Philippians 2:5-7 “5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did We will stumble and fall at times, but lets not stay down, God would have given Lucifer the same chances he is giving us today if he did just humble himself. Answer: This is really an excellent question. ” Yet God has to allow us to have free will, because He wants His created beings to have free will like He does, otherwise they wouldn’t be becoming like Him (cf. Lewis. But why does God punish us for exercising our free-will in certain ways (disobeying Him, sinning)? Why even both to give us free will, if we are to be punished for exercising our free will in a certain way. but what baffles me is the fact that we were given a free will but still could get sent to hell if our choice displeases God, that I don’t not understand cause that’s like giving someone the ability to make choices and in the end they still pay I think it comes down to God giving us free will, and when they decided to disobey God, that's when sin entered the world and all of us are just like Adam and eve because we all have disobeyed God at some point in our lives without free will we can't love I think God wants us to love him and love people but when we fall short and sin he will If God knew all (was omniscient) when he created the earth then why was he surprised at what Adam and Eve did? He should have not been so idealistic if he knew ahead of time that his first two creations were not going to hold his plan. org/if-God-knew-Ad Why did God send the flood when He knew sin would continue after the flood? FAQ 1: How can we understand God’s decision to send the flood? God’s decision to send the flood may seem harsh at first glance, but it is essential to understand His motives and character to gain clarity. ) Therefore, the very thing that warns us to stay away from sin gives us ideas of sin that we may not have thought of before. Yes, God knew in advance about the fall of the devil, some of the angels and mankind. These give us good reason to believe God created the world. God created mankind in order to love mankind. ’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone. Therefore, any answer we could give to this question would only be speculation since God has not specifically told us why He did this. They claim that this is to teach us, like a father letting their child learn something the hard way. That's why we have Christ to But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Why would he not know that we would sin and decide to just not create us in the first place? Of course God knew we would sin! God knew all of the evil that would happen as a result of creating angels and human beings. He created us with free will for a simple reason: To fulfill His purpose of creating an eternal, spiritual family, He wants His children to choose to be like Him. But He made us anyway, and God has gotten much Glory for Himself for allowing us to persist. We think free will means we Satan’s “I will” statements present a clue as to how he and other angels could sin in heaven, even though heaven is a sinless place. Many Christians believe that free will is necessary for genuine love and relationship with God, even if it allows for the possibility of sin. This can, at first glance, be confusing. God had given Satan a choice, a free will, and he exerted it. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t have time. He gave us faith, and we must take a leap of faith. So, why did God allow it? The Bible does not explicitly give the answer to this I truly believe eve had free choice and she just chose the wrong choice like most of us would of done. Those who have children and love them want the reciprocation of love and obedience returned voluntarily, not forced to comply. , open theists). The very design of Creation itself reveals that God anticipated sin. God is perfectly just and holy, and sin grieves His heart. When God created Adam and Eve, one of the first things He did was to give them Our free will shapes our lives. We cannot be “doing good deeds” on earth if He takes us immediately to heaven. He knew that at the end of it all, He would have that family, and every trace of sin would be erased by the blood of Jesus. This is the challenge with free will. C. This power to choose is not A Reminder of God’s Hatred of Sin and His Judgment. He gave us will. Adam chose wrong. If we have free will, then we have free will. God loves us so much he forgives us when we have done shameful things to ourselves and others. And the answer comes from this and that some kids need a punishment to change their behavior so that they can repent and thus live in the house. ” And he would have been careful to point out to her God’s warning not to eat of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. . We can use it for what it is intended, that is to direct our lives towards God, or we can pervert this blessing in our lives as a license for doing whatever pleases us, even if we know those things to be He knew Adam and Eve would sin, but He created them anyway and gave them the ability to make decisions. We don’t know why free will works so well in heaven but not on earth. God’s foreknowledge doesn’t interfere with the free choices of His creatures. For example, 1 John 3:20 teaches, "God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. When our bodies die, we give it back. We must carefully note that Adam and Eve’s falling into sin does not mean that God is the author of sin or that He tempted them to sin . Thankfully, it can also be set free to do what it was intended to do: namely, worship God in love. A consequence of the Fall in Genesis was Adam lost that liberty. ” This is a powerful indictment of the As time marched on, Satan decided he wanted to be like God and so did Adam and Eve. When God created Adam and Eve he wanted humans to be different from angels according to scripture in genesis 1:26 and 27 only humans were created in gods image while angels were not Humans can be forgiven for the sins we commit 2 Corinthians 5:21 while angles that sinned are awaiting judgment day Matthew 25:41 I also thought I read somewhere awhile ago that Bear in mind, too, that virtue is a gift from God implanted in our nature, and that He Himself is the source and cause of all good, and without His co-operation and help we cannot will or do any good thing, But we have it in our power either to abide in virtue and follow God, Who calls us into ways of virtue, or to stray from paths of virtue, which is to dwell in wickedness, and to follow the Why Did God Give Us The Power Of Free Will? by Fr. We are not culpable, and so are not condemned for it, but it is a mark on our soul by virtue of the fact that we were born out of this history, or if you want to look at it differently The sin of Adam and Eve was no surprise to God. Free He did. Why would God create us if he knew beforehand that we would reject his will? Why did he not stop us or, barring that, simply not make us at all? To answer this, I go back to the first paragraph. God is so powerful and beautiful in so many ways that we can't even comprehend him and why he allows certain things to happen. but what baffles me is the fact that we were given a free will but still could get sent to hell if our choice displeases God, that I don’t So, when someone asks, “Why did God make man knowing he would sin?” they are really asking, “Why did God give man a free will?” or “Why didn’t God make men as robots and force them to love him?” 2Co 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. , ignoring the obvious contradictions, he would have known that the serpent would make her sin, and would have known that, by creating humans, he would condemn them to a life of trials, ending No, God doesn’t give people free will if you take it to mean that they can choose anything they want. Rather, God gives us the ability to do what we do. “God created us as an expression of His love and to receive our praise. The bad news is that our freedom has been damaged by sin. Future events do not happen because God “foreknew” them; rather, they are known So your question: “why did he ever created us with capability of sin and then punish us if we do sin”? God desires a loving relationship with mankind and the wholeness of love with some is evidently of more value to God than the rejection and damnation of others. God did not tempt, coerce, or lure Adam into disobedience. It is exactly because God gave us free will that wipes away pre If God knew that Adam and Eve would sin, why did He create them? Why didn’t God prevent Adam and Eve from sinning?https://www. See Process theism and Did God create time?), and various cosmological arguments (like the Kalam and Contingency arguments) are consistent with God creating the world. It's not my free will, it's God's and he allows me to have it. But, the question is, why does he know? Does he know because he is a good guesser If we asked whether he decreed that these things should be allowed to happen, then the answer is also 'Yes. God wants to be loved and obeyed by creatures who It’s stating a fact. He can only empower a desire for God. Why arent i dead now sinning: I have no idea. Again, I could cite many other verses showing that God has given us free will, the freedom to make our own choices. God did not give us free will. Why did God give us free will? God gave man free will so as to experience the true love from His creation. Yet, that doesn’t stop them from having children. But, to truly love us He had to give us free willwhich led to our messing things up so much. God doesn’t know events in a pre-deterministic sense. But He created them anyway and gave them a free will with which they chose to sin. Indeed, Genesis 6:5 tells us that “every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. ” 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he But we do not have such foreknowledge and our lack of understanding does not make it illogical. When we choose to sin and continue to do it that’s the problem it’s the sin he doesn’t like but he isn’t going to program us to love him because that isn’t really love he expects us to go his way but when we chose to live our lives the way we want to we “For God so loved the world,” John 3:16 says, “that he gave his one and only Son. There will be times the child hurts them and is hurt However, if we are choosing other than what we prefer, then we are choosing to do something against our will. He created us to not operate solely in a survivor mentality like animals. The gift of free will is the revelation of God’s amazing love, Jeremiah 3:17, in that God desires man turns to Him voluntarily. God knew ahead of time what the results of sin would be. This set Adam apart from the animals, since they live according to instinct. God gave Though the gift of free will has led to sin and despair, God promises to ultimately defeat evil and create a world where free will leads only to life, joy, and blessing. We are all his creation. Genesis 1:1, Psalm 102:25, John 1:1–3. WE are in the age of Grace now, herefore God does not immediately punish Sin as was the case in the old Covenant, but lets us go on as we are, for now. That is why he sent Jesus. To us it seems that God could have prevented sin, but scripture never says Free will is hard to define, but roughly the philosophical definition is independence from external physical influences. God gives free will, as he himself does. Patheos Explore Why did God give people, including Adam and Eve, free will if He knew that we would mess up, make the wrong decisions, and ultimately reject Him? Free will is a blessing and a curse. The people before the flood If you place steak in front of a puppy, you cannot get mad when it is tempted to eat it. God knew that Adam and Eve would sin and would thereby bring evil, suffering, and death into the world. In this instance I only have free will by the grace of God. The earth is God’s possession (Deuteronomy 10:14; Exodus 9:29; Psalm 24:1; 89:11; In other words, God doesn’t cause everything we do. They're effectively programmed to act and behave within a certain capacity. This profound inquiry not only delves into the complexities of humanity's purpose but also touches the core tenets of love, free will, and divine intention. I literally cried about it and blamed him for all the death, as if he didn’t give us free will. God knew that man would make the wrong choice and choose independence. When we realize all that Jesus did so we Some things God tells us; some things He does not. God did create sin because he created everything God is not benevolent for allowing us the freedom to commit sin — God is a supreme leader who permits murder and rape and that by virtue is not benevolent. There's no such thing as libertarian free will. I believe in a creator god definitely. And think about the implications of god giving us the freedom to commit the sins that would damn us to eternity in hell. They're full of shit. If God never mentioned that something was sinful, it is possible that we would never have thought of that sin on our own. With that being said, and keeping James 1:13 in mind, I’m having trouble understanding where While Scripture gives enough information to understand the basics of this story, there are certain details not given by the biblical authors that have left us with difficult, even controversial, questions—such as why God put a forbidden tree in his utopian garden in the first place, whether sin and evil existed before the Fall or not, how long our “first parents” were in . When parents have children, they know that their kids will eventually act in sinful and even harmful ways. If God gave us free will with the intention that we should be free to use it to sin, then it would be unjust for him to punish us if we sin, says St. God did not allow Satan to do so tho. ” God allowed Adam the dignity of free choice and honored that choice with appropriate consequences (Romans 5:12). In other words he God allowed Job to be messed with by Satan. He created rocks, mountains, and seas, but it’s pretty clear that they cannot “love” God in any sense that we can imagine. God If God created them as imperfect, would that mean that by creating us this way he caused us to sin? (Being omniscient, he knew full well that if he created us to sin then we would sin. That’s why God gave us free will. You are proposing (I 7 When creating the first human, Adam, God gave him the same gift he had given his intelligent creatures in heaven, the gift of free will. The first part is “Did God know Satan would rebel?” We know from Scripture that God is omniscient, which literally means “all-knowing. The simple answer given in the Bible is that God created humans, as well as the rest of creation, by His will and for His glory. Our Lord God and saviour promise not to give us more than we can bear, so lets trust and believe One of the marks of being human is that God has given us the ability to choose. James 1:13 says, “When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me. Perfection isn’t possible for us created beings. God has not told us the specifics as to why He has done what He has done with respect to creating the human race. God always keeps His promises. Sure, we’re not radically free. So why didn’t God create human beings to be incapable of sin? If God hadn’t given us a free will, we would merely be puppets on a string, remote-controlled robots that bow before Him at the touch of a button. That God gave man a free will is a wonderment and an indication of the great love God had for us. But I still take issue with it to the extent we assume God’s morality is our morality, since it doesn’t answer the “culpability for creation” question raised above, merely dodging it instead. BY HIS WILL He gives us commands and instructions that show us how He wants us to live, but He allows us to decide whether we will obey. (1) God not only loves us but He wants us to love Him. He did not create us to enslave us, to fight for him, to worship him, to entertain him, to torture us, or any other purpose. Jesus’ amazing life, death, and Resurrection shows us how great God’s love is for us. He was the sacrificial lamb that shed his blood for us, so that we might live forever as god intended. Should he wish to take it away from me, I cannot stop him. According to various passages, god desires true communion with his creation. Some may refer to this as the power of choice, but no matter how you define it, we all have a free will. If God were to intervene and force people not to sin, then he would violate his own nature. If god gave us free will then God gave Adam/Eve Free Will. God gives us free-will. God’s Role In Sin. His desire to have a family to love and who would love Him back is why He went ahead and created us all anyway. Paul explains it this way: In other words, God doesn’t cause everything we do. Why Did God Create Adam And Eve Why Did God Create If He Knew We Would Sin Why Did God Create Man Knowing Man Would Sin Why Did God Make Us Sinners Why Did God Put The Tree In The Garden If He Knew Why did God make it a sin to eat an apple? Almighty God could have chosen any means he wanted to in order to test our first parents, but he chose a simple fruit 🍎 in the Garden of Eden to accomplish this end. God could either give up on His desire for sons and daughters created in His image who loved Him by choice or He could proceed with a plan that would redeem man after he failed and give him the opportunity to return to God of his own free will. Many Christians believe human beings have free will. Therefore wouldn't his act of creation be the cause of the sin?) Finally, if he created us to sin, can God be held accountable for this sin? Were they perfect? If god had to give it to us, it's not free will, it's god's will. We want the free will choice to love and obey us, rather than the programed response of a robot. God knew Lucifer would sin when He created him. Now we rely on God’s grace which is unmerited (think unearned) favor. Keep in mind we have free choice to do anything but that doesn’t mean God made us do it. S. Augustine: for we would only be putting it to one of the uses for which God gave it to us. We don’t know why he sometimes contravenes the free exercise of the will and sometimes not. He wanted man to desire Him willingly. The point to keep in mind here is that humanity—not God—is responsible for sin. You can choose whatever sin So, even though God knew what choices we would make, if he actually wanted people to love him, then he had to give them the chance to do so. How then can we reconcile God knowing the future with us having free will to make our own choices? What “Free Will” Actually Means “Free will” doesn’t mean how we often define it in our minds. Reply reply Choice implies the ability to decide between different options. God did not want Adam and Eve to sin. God has not given us this type of free will, nor could He have. Hebrews 2:5-13). Understanding why God punishes people despite granting them free will Then Allah would just say that they would've failed if the Test would've happened. The most common answer I’ve received is “God didn’t want robots, he wanted us to choose to love him” which unravels pretty quickly, as humans are given the “free” choice to live God or suffer in Hell within that same narrative. Humanity was given a choice and choice means significance. That means that if God leaves us, we literally have no source of life, our spirits just die. However, he did so with a plan in mind to forgive all men who would repent and turn back to him. In my last article, I discussed why the perfectly happy God created us, but this typically leads to related question - Why would God make us if He knew we would sin?I hope to give an adequate answer in this article. That will can be corrupted by sin. But the fall does serve the purpose of God’s overall plan for creation Question / Comment - Why Did God Give The Law? I took the heaven test and failed, but if no one can keep the commandments, Why did God even give it to us? You are probably going to answer that He gave it to us so we would know what was wrong and right and that we were sinners. In order for God to be fully committed to man’s freedom of will, He cannot force a particular desire. Free Will no longer exists. Unfortunately, from the beginning of time, we have chosen At the end of the day, one would have to say that the answer is a mystery. Now man knows evil. He knew we were going to do it but he didn’t plan for us to do it. Our choices are limited to what is in keeping with our nature. Some Christians affirm omniscience but deny free will (Calvinists). gotquestions. So does God have free will? If you said yes then does that mean God can sin? If you said no, then why If God is perfect without free will did he make us flawed by giving us free will. Why, then, did Genesis 1:26-27: Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. The religious aspects are where things get tricky because they’re written by man Reply reply dreaperd • That's what makes God perfect. It is also absurd to classify the free will that god gives as 'free' at all However, free will does not mean that mankind can do anything he pleases. The Bible clearly states that God knows all things. He knew Adam and Eve would sin, but He created them anyway and gave them the ability to make decisions. Caller He made us because we glorify him he didn’t have to but he did anyway because he is nice but we are not and we went against god and sinned against him so now we go to hell because that is the do and just punishment for sin but he loves us so he sent his son to die for us if we love him we can stay with him after death but for those that don This is why we often wrestle between choosing to do what we know is right, and the alternative, which grabs a hold of us and draws us to do something we don’t necessarily want to do. However, Jehovah reserved the joy of naming those Scripture says God made the world (e. As to why he still created humankind with the knowledge that humanity would We start the week with a question from a listener, Rob, who writes in to ask, “Pastor John, as someone who is Reformed/Calvinist, I highly appreciate Jonathan Edwards, who claims that (1) free will is doing what we desire, but that (2) God gives us the desire to do good. It was worth it to Him to be able to love us. Ask me who made God, why suffering is in the world, or why God allows evil, and I will answer you quicker than the government gives away our tax dollars. Allah does not admit people to Paradise or Hell simply because He knows that they deserve that, rather He will admit them to Paradise or Hell on the basis of the deeds that they actually did in this world. God gives us free will and He wants us to live our lives for Him. Well, God had the wonderful plan to save sinners from eternal death through Jesus Christ. Follow Patheos . =P I’m prepping for another debate my “team” and I are having God’s Foreknowledge and Free Choice. Why? Because when you have the choice as a free moral agent to A. Adam represented all of humanity and infected us with the wound on his nature, and Jesus He does not force. I would say that is not really free will. Caller: Yes. He said, “I will ascend. But ask me why God created mankind even though He knew man would sin, and I hesitate. Creation, including man, was consequently subjected to bondage, futility and corruption. like Satan likes to tempt us (may God provide us with extraordinary assistance if this happens when we are not in a state of grace, and may He help us to recognize the lie as well as to resist it). Jesus and Mary were tempted like Adam and Eve were, but they chose not to sin. The question "Why did God create us if He knew we would sin?" echoes through the minds of many, especially those new to Christianity. It's like he wants us to be evil. “No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al‑Lawh Al‑Mahfooz) before We bring it into existence. Again, by definition, if God knows what we are going to choose, then He knows what we are going to choose between options otherwise, we are not choosing anything, and the statement is illogical. One popular answer among Christians is superficial and deeply flawed. Why did God give us free will? If God knew what the results would be, sin and evil, why did He give humanity a free will? God gives us free will to determine whether we will trust him to provide what’s best for us or whether we’ll go “our own way” in opposition to him (Matt, 25:31-46). They would be saying that should have let actually go through the test and maybe they could have done it differently, in the current way everyone is a witness to themselves as well and can't complain to because they made the choices in the world and they know it. After reading this I was thinking he had to make us imperfect to make us perfect in the end. But that is what god did. We thought little of God, that he wouldn’t know or see us eat a bite of the forbidden fruit. Humans operate way beyond that. I still do not understand why it would matter if we knew that we There are two possibilities: Either God gives us free will or he does not. Biblical theology has God an omniscient being. My question Obviously we haven't defined our nature ourselves but we were created with a certain nature. God also knew that Satan would further his rebellion by tempting humanity into sin. Nowhere in the Bible is it doctrinally, literally, or metaphorically implied that we have free will, but it is implied and Yet we disobeyed and brought shame. ' However, if we ask if he forced or willed them to happen then the answer is 'No. Apparently, we have choice. We create our own The most common answer is that if man kind does not have free will, or the choice to serve god or disobey god, then any worship we give is not true worship. (Rom 8:28) Even though things happen that are not His Will, they are turned towards good even if we cannot recognize how that might be. To truly be deserving of his love, we need to take care of the world he gave us and take care of each other. God cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13) and He is therefore perfectly logical Why did God give us free will if he knew we would sin is a question that often arises in this context. But this is wrong; God did not give us free will for that purpose. God didn't want to create a set of robots that automatically obey His law, which declares His will for how humanity and the angels should behave. " Psalm 139:17 declares, "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" If God knew Satan would successfully tempt Adam and Eve, why did God create humans with the ability to sin? This is a two-part question. This thus goes back to the original question asked by the OP, which, why would God punish us if He knew we would sin. If we cannot choose this communion it appears to be meaningless in the eyes of god. Free will would imply freedom of will, in which we would not have to deal with the consequences of our actions, no matter the choice we make. He does not force them to sin. 1:4, “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:” This is yet another factor that is not considered when one asks, “Why did God God gave us free will it says in the Bible, and it says we were perfect in the beginning. Ad-Free & Subscriber Log-In Subscription Support. We thought we knew better and trusted our own opinions over God’s truth. Did God give us free will? What is free will and how do we know if free will really exists? Britannica defines free will as the following: Free will, in humans, the power or capacity to choose among alternatives or to act in certain situations The relationship between divine free will, human free will, and divine punishment is a complex and profound topic in Christian theology. Though God foreordained the Fall, He did not coerce Adam and Eve to sin; they made their own free As we have free will, as they did, sin is something we all may choose. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified” (Romans 8:29-30). I don’t I find that this is the only sensible conclusion as to why He didn't stop sin from happening, why He didn't destroy us entirely and start over, and why He holds off His day of judgment so that more and more people can come to know a relationship with Him. ” Having a real choice means we can choose right that leads to peace and well-being for self and others, or we can choose evil that leads to harm of self and others. Thirdly, the flood stands forever afterward as a reminder of God’s hatred of sin and His willingness to pour out fierce judgment against it. I am no way God made people knowing they would sin because people are free to do as they please. He was sorry – in the sense of sadness and the need to We become aware of sin. He walked with humans in their place. If Allah created mankind and put them in His Hell, they would soon argue that He did not test them or give them the chance to strive. Vocabulary: The Fall refers to the first man and first woman's disobedience of God's instructions, resulting in sin entering the Why, then, did God give them free will? Because free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having. That is how sin entered the creation. We have the ability to choose good or evil, right or wrong, self or others. Almost every Christian believes that God knows everything. Some things God tells us; some things He does not. Why? First of all, it is worth the risk of their rebellion to bring However, he did so with a plan in mind to forgive all men who would repent and turn back to him. That’s why He says, “Choose you this day who you will serve. Animals were created before man. ' What God knew, because it Good question! God didn’t create sin. Free Will allowed sin to exist. He made humans for Earth and Earth for humans. We give Him great pleasure and great joy, He knew what we would be like because He knows everything. Or we will always have free will. (John 3:16) He has promised to work everything for the good of those who love Him. Josh A says: April 25, 2015 at 4:11 pm. God has perfect free will but He will never sin because it is not in His nature. I would define free will as this: every human being has the freedom to choose whatever sin he wants. This profound inquiry not only delves into the complexities of humanity's purpose but also touches the core tenets of love, free will, and God is omniscient (Psalm 139:1–6), and He knows the future (Isaiah 46:10). The Bible has to be incorrect. One way to answer why God sent the flood when He knew that evil would continue is to interpret mankind’s sin in the time of Noah as something unique and significantly more severe than what we see in the world today. God does give us free will, Biblically God gave Adam free will. In a similar way, a man cannot choose to make himself Scripture doesn’t tell us directly why God permitted sin to enter the world. He gave us free will in order that we That does not mean that we can do whatever we want without any consequences, because even though we have a free will, we are still responsible for the decisions that we make. So, why did God allow it? The Bible does not explicitly give the answer to this Had there been no sin, we would not have experienced the depths of God's love and forgiveness. But not every kid will act that way. God made man to be with Him for eternity. (See Romans 7:7-12. Because we will always end up sinning. That is a complete contradiction. He is searching for loyalty Suppose one was to believe God exists and God gave us free will, and that God punishes those people who sin. Well, guess what, he gives us free will. If we have free will, then we are by default independent from these influences. This is why we often wrestle between choosing to do what we know is The birth of our Lord is a story known throughout the world andthroughout the ages and He didn't give us free will. ”Job 37:16; Psalm 139:2–4, 147:5; Proverbs 5:21; Isaiah 46:9-10; and 1 John 3:19–20 leave no doubt that God’s knowledge is infinite and that He knows everything that has happened in the past, is In other words, God doesn’t cause everything we do. We arent getting killed now coz a I feel God relates to people differently in the old Covenant than He does in the New Covenant, (since Jesus died for our sins). Then, if we are told that certain actions will incur punishment, which is an external physical influence, nothing changes at all. Many will repent and chose to live in the house. Today, there are holy and evil angels and only sinful men and women. God could have made human beings without any choice - yet if that were the case we would have no meaning. However, He did give us free will, and free will + sin is a package deal. It’s where we belong. Anywho, just my thought on the subject for whatever it is worth. As the Bible says in John 8:36, “if the Son sets you free, you He created us with free will for a simple reason: To fulfill His purpose of creating an eternal, spiritual family, He wants His children to choose to be like Him. So He definitely knew that Adam and Eve would sin. Consequently, our answer to this question can only be partial. They could freely eat of “every Welcome to r/askphilosophy. Trending: Why Did God Create Us If He Knew We’d Sin? [Questions That Haunt] October 30, 2012 Tony Jones. I know I definitely struggle with God gives us free will for his benefit (so we can worship him, this is disturbing more than anything else) God gives us free will for our benefit (in that case why not just give us the illusion of free will, if he is omnipotent he should be able to) God only gives us the illusion of free will (and all that is evil in the world is God's doing/ his "plan") Reply reply japonym • It is basically Adam chose disobedience. The Bible is so interesting and is the history of the Middle East. He knew they would disobey and have some incredibly low moments. While we do not require citations in answers (but do encourage them), answers need to be reasonably substantive and well-researched, accurately portray the state of the research, and come only With that being said, why did God decide to create us? We cannot say it's a test because he already knew what will happen. Stack Exchange Network. Just like Sodom and Gomorrah So, as God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent etc. It is not my will to have free will, it is God's, I don't have a choice in the matter. It is somewhat ironic as we look at Adam and Eve standing in the garden, they were like Him! Now Adam would have instructed Eve, “Of every tree of the garden we may freely eat. The bible says in Eph. Our imperfection is a bad reason to say that God created sin, or God made us sin, or however we feel like wording it. It says God allowed the fall because he wanted to make room for human free will. We are not sure if God could have morally prevented sin. So why did God create human beings at all? Why would He give us the ability to choose sin in the first place? Every potential parent knows that raising a child is going to be hard. It is not the fruit in itself that is Why did God give the angels this choice, when He knew what the results would be? God knew that one-third of the angels would rebel and therefore be cursed to the eternal fire. That’s free will. Obviously it is in our nature to sin. Doubt about God’s goodness opened the door for evil, because distrust in God’s goodness is the essence of sin. I know the pat answer. God has given us all the tools we need to stand up to sin the simple answer is to glorify himself. But it does provide us with materials from which we can construct a consistent and reasonable explanation. . I’ve traditionally ascribed to this view. If God had refused to create him, He would have been canceling the principle of free choice. g. Why? Because we believed we could be like God. God gave humanity free will, knowing this meant the possibility of rebellion. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for This ain't Islam, where Allah can purposely make you sin, so you go to hell. One Bad Answer. God wants to God does give us free will, Biblically God gave Adam free will. When we The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us. We act on our own initiative, using the abilities that God gives us, to do what we want to do. God gave us life and he gave us choice. Jesus took the punishment for the sins of everyone who would believe in Him even though He had never committed a single sin. That is why we have not only a sense of having free will, but we actually do have free will. When you look at what the Bible says about free will, you discover that we have the right and the ability to choose the direction we will go and what we will do. Original sin acknowledges that in this world, sin exists, and by being born in this world, we are born with the stain of the original sin. Brenton Cordeiro Faith & Life, God & Mystery of Evil. Allah So He definitely knew that Adam and Eve would sin. When we realize all that Jesus did so we He demonstrates His love for the Word by sending His Son to pay the price for our sin so we did not have to. This would be logically contradictory -- to will to do something that you did not will to do. ” He appeals to us, and the devil pulls us one way and God pulls us the other, and we get to vote and that’s a lot of love to give us that kind of freedom. When we approach the question of why God created humans, we find ourselves dealing with a question for which God has not provided an extensive answer. Did he truly have free will or was it the free will limited because if Satan had the opportunity to kill Job he would have. Maybe that is why He created: He loved the world even before His act of creation. I don’t know of any verse that says He has a plan for our lives other than this. Otherwise, our entire existence would have been merely a thought experiment that didn't turn out well—but that's not why God created humanity. And now when we sinned we say we don't have free will. Pastor Doug: And you asked another question: why did God allow them to be tested. God chose the variation that describes our free will more truly, which is that we sinned. When God created us in His image why did He take the free will-part but not the it is not in our nature to sin-part? I’m still not convinced he did, but a seemingly unknowable question anyway. and he already knows how that free will be used. There’s no Eden redo; no opportunity to freely and willfully choose to not know sin and evil. We don’t know why God doesn’t provide the intelligence we need to exercise free will. “In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will” ( Ephesians 1:11 ). For example, a man may choose to walk across a bridge or not to walk across it; what he may not choose is to fly over the bridge—his nature prevents him from flying. If we wouldn't sin we would say, we don't have free will. ” For reasons we do not fully fathom, God loved the work of His hands. They freely and willfully choose wrong. It’s only a bite, did we not expect a consequence for our actions? God gave us free will and we are free to do what we want with it. God required sin to exist so that He could demonstrate His wrath and justice. In the Bible, the thoughts we choose to think, The question "Why did God create us if He knew we would sin?" echoes through the minds of many, especially those new to Christianity. He gave us the ability to choose to obey his will. Consider an example of how Adam used his free will in an appropriate way. He knows them because all history is present to him as the creator God is omniscient (Psalm 139:1–6), and He knows the future (Isaiah 46:10). He placed us in an environment where he knew we would sin. The great theologian Augustine explained sin as an absence of goodness: “All which is corrupted is Well, God had the wonderful plan to save sinners from eternal death through Jesus Christ. He created us in his image. If God gives us free will, why punish those that exercise their free will in a certain Skip to main content . He did so to demonstrate His full character to us. BY HIS WILL Given the limitations of our mortal minds, we can’t know why God chose the path that He did. God has given all of us the absolute ability to makes choices in life. Just because he ‘knew it would happen’ doesn’t mean he’s bad. Furthermore, the world could never know God’s mercy or grace without the existence of sin. avqulexcn zwrfcr tiea jjj luarjb xvpm jcfb fikdw vjcmsen qbif