Lms uoc Revised Timetable Dept of ICT - 2S1 File. Mission To develop honest, adaptable productive citizens; You are not logged in. by Admin Law - Thursday, 17 November 2022, LMS. BT 3905 - Plant Propagation The UOC has designed numerous lifelong learning master's programmes. Dec. Skip Navigation. Site announcements Zoom Links - Mock Examination FOT-UOC. Undergraduate Learning Management System - Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. NOTICE. Revised Timetable of Dept of ICT : 1S1 File. 03. UoC Events. Notice - Mahapola Scholarship 2022/2023 (1st Year) Elegible Students for Mahapola Scholarship 2022/20 University of Cyberjaya (UoC) is a top-tier university in Malaysia as reflected in the latest Ministry of Higher Education’s SETARA ratings which has accorded UoC a 5-star rating on par with leading public universities by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education. Tourism Study Programmes, Department of Economics. Thank you. edu, MIREIA LEG GIL | mleg@uoc. EDP-LMS. GIL-RODRÍGUEZ | egilrod@uoc. Degree of Bachelor of Laws 2023/2024. Intensive Course. Welcome to the Virtual Learning Management System of Faculty of Technology. lk Information frequently accessed by current and prospective students of the Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo. Dear Students, The library seeks to gather information from students at the University of Colombo regarding the adequacy of library services and resources in supporting their academic and research needs. lk L'equip d’Acompanyament per al Disseny de l’Aprenentatge ofereix al professorat de la UOC un assessorament pedagògic especialitzat —específic per a cadascuna de les àrees d'estudi de la Universitat— en el disseny de programes, assignatures i accions formatives. Elegible Students for Mahapola Scholarship 2022/2023 (1st Year) (copy) File. Learning Management System, University of Cyberjaya. Home; Courses; Search courses. LearnOUSL. Miscellaneous. E-mail : lms@sliate. Next. O. CS 3102 - Advanced Computer Architecture. 2025. TELEPHONE: (+94) 112 580 498 FAX: (+94) 112 580 498 EMAIL: cybercampus@vcuc. BT 1010 - Variety of Plant and Microbial Life Practicals. lk; If you are a 2nd, 3rd or 4th year student – Contact your department’s LMS Coordinator (Click here to view Department Level LMS Coordinators’ details)Any matter related to examinations : Examination unit of the faculty Any matter related to a specific course unit of your degree : Course Instructions for Assignment Submission on LMS. Their focus on professional competencies means that your learning dovetails with your career progression. pdf Telawala to Kityakara transfer. IDC. Explore new courses offered by FGS, University of Colombo. PH 3007 - Analog and Digital Electronics II. CH 2011 - Practical Chemistry Level II LMS. #uoc #universityofcolombo #wisdomenlightens | The oldest University in Sri Lanka, the University of Colombo is a sprawling complex located in Undegraduate Degree Program. Joint UOC-IAEA National Training Course on Quality and Safety in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology The Department of Nuclear Science, Faculty . BT 2016 - Microbiology and Molecular Biology Practicals. BT 1012 - Variety of Plant and Microbial Life The Institute of Indigenous Medicine has converted into the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo with effect from 01. Faculty of Arts . Fill all the required sections and submit on or before Sunday, 23rd of January 2022 at 11. It provides timetables, notice boards and other resources for different MSc programs. Welcome to the EDP-LMS The learning management system of the External Degree Program,Faculty of Science, University of Colombo. The UOC is an online university that offers bachelor degrees, master's degrees, specialization and expert diplomas and language courses. UoC Repository ; CEI Publications ; PUBLICATIONS. Academic Divisions Current Students Prospective Students Vision The Faculty of Science to be a center of scientific and technological excellence nationally and internationally. Find course categories, academic schedule, examinations, staff development Find out the latest news and events of the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, on its LMS portal. Sri Palee Campus PM 4033 - Field Theory and Galois Theory. Master of Laws by Coursework Programme 2024/2025. BT 1012 - Variety of Plant and Microbial Life Lecturer panel. ac. MI 1009 - Basic Techniques of Radiography. University of Sri Jayewardeneoura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda. The course also provide a strong statistical base for students to carry out technical analysis in Single sign-on (SSO) service permits to access multiple web applications with your University of Colombo username and password. ZL 4081 - Molecular Phylogeography & Evolution. Welcome to the EDP-LMS. 02. Karunathilake - Thursday, 3 October 2024, 8:22 AM This theme was developed by Desirée Gómez Cardosa and José López Ruiz, members of the Teaching and Learning Analysis team, have carried out an analysis of centres responsible for promoting educational innovation in universities. Get the mobile app This is an introductory course in statistics designed to provide students with the basic concepts of data analysis and statistical computing. A partir del primer semestre de l’any acadèmic 202223, s’inicia la primera fase -d’implantació del projecte LMS (Learning Management System) als ensenyaments oficials. You are not logged in. 30. Hostel Notice i. uoctourism. PH 2006 - Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Degree of Bachelor of Laws 2024/2025. Corporate Alumni Join our team News The UOC in Latin America Contact Universitat Oberta de Catalunya The Open University of Sri Lanka Learning Management System. PHAR 4663 Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics III 2023/2024 MOU between FMF UOC and Capital Alliance PLC MOU between FMF UOC and Capital Alliance PLC We are thrilled to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo (FMF)and Capital Alliance PLC (CAL) This is an introductory course in statistics designed to provide students with the basic concepts of data analysis and statistical computing. Online Learning Management System, Faculty of Technology, University of Colombo BT 3009 - Environment & Biodiversity Related Legislation in Sri Lanka. Username Password You are not logged in. Data retention summary First things first. Opening of The Information and Learning Centre, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, nurturing young intellectuals for past 100 years, thinking in terms of coming hundreds of years more. Dear Students, Please read the notices attached in the post below. Re-scrutinizing Requests for Semester 1 Examination in 2024. 101 Kumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, Colombo 00300. Course categories LMS - Technology. Follow us. Current Research Symposium. Timetables MSc in Applied Electronics Notice Board Batch 16 (intake 2023) - Semester I Batch 15 (intake 2020) - Semester IV Batch 14 (intake 2019) - Semester III Batch 13 (intake 2018) - The FIM is the premier Higher Educational Faculty in Sri Lanka that provides instructions in Ayurveda, Unani and Indigenous system of medicine at undergraduate levels. Eligible Students for Bursary - 2022/2023 File. The Faculty of Nursing , University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, established in 2018 as the First faculty of Nursing in Sri Lanka that located in the Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital Premises, Thalapathpitiya Nugegoda. que imparteix. ALL EVENTS . Faculty of Agriculture. Box 1698 Colombo 07, Sri Lanka Phone : (+94) 112 586 432 E-mail : librarian@lib. I. ' Submission deadline is extended until 14 th January 2025. Home; Courses; Course categories EC 1015 - Career and Personal Development. pdf Permalink Discuss this topic (0 replies so far) How to work with Zoom (For staff) by LMS Administrator - IEP 1001 - English Placement Test. This article looks at topics related to services to improve digital learning, learning management systems (LMS) and the management of technology. Mahapola online Registration 2022/2023. Find login information, Moodle Access the Learning Management System of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo. Programmes. Please let us know if you encounter any challenges/errors. Master of Laws by Coursework Programme 2023/2024. Courses To support your daily student journey, UoC offers the UC Campus platform, which includes both a Learning Management System (LMS) and a Student Information Management System (SIMS). This survey is conducted by the LLM Unit of the Faculty of Law to collect your feedback on the course. Aquí nos gustaría mostrarte una descripción, pero el sitio web que estás mirando no lo permite. Skip course categories. AM 4008 - Advance Optimization Our LMS is designed to provide a seamless and interactive online learning experience for students and faculty. Find out how to log in, use materials, and contact IT support. Home. Search courses. Teacher: Hasini Perera Teacher: Namal Wickramasekera EC 1001 - Advanced Level English Log in to UoM Moodle. . Home; Courses; Search courses Go. pdf Telawala Hostel. Demography Annual Research Symposium – EC 2001 - Technical Writing for Academic Purposes. 04. ; Participar en un programa pioner a Europa que posa en pràctica constantment les habilitats del treball online. Phone : +(94)0 91 2245765/6; Email:webmaster@eng. Older topics This is the LMS for MSc students of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Why choose the UOC? Recommended by Department of English Language TeachingDepartment of English Language Teaching, which accommodates the largest body of students enrolled to all faculties of the University of Colombo. Department of Plant Sciences. BT 4018 - Soil Science. Virtual Learning Environment for the Postgraduate Studies. PH 3008 - Astronomy BT 2020 - Smart Horticulture for the 21st Century. AM 3002 - Computer Applications in Discrete Mathematics On a UOC online master's programme your learning will revolve around the different tools and academic resources available on the Virtual Campus. PM 4034 - Measure Theory and Integration . The course also provide a strong statistical base for students to carry out technical LMS Admin. Sri Lanka, Telephone Nos: General: +94112692385 | +94112694308 Dean: +94112861399 Library They say if you think in terms of a year, plant a seed, if in terms of ten years, plant trees and if in terms of 100 years, teach people. 2023 as per the Extraordinary Gazette No 2319/ 22 dated 13. CS 3105 - Computer Graphics I Selection List - ICT for Development (Study Stream) Teacher: Prabha Alagiyawadu Teacher: Prof. Es el Campus Virtual de la UOC, un entorno virtual que puede llevarse en el bolsillo y donde encontrarás las aulas, tu espacio personal y las herramientas necesarias para el estudio y la comunicación. 320, T B Jaya Mawatha , Colombo, Sri Lanka . Mar. PM 1012 - Introduction to Number Theory ADDRESS Centre for Open & Distance Learning, University of Colombo, No. Second selection list of Sociology Honours Degree. Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (2) Faculty of Arts (3) PH 2005 - Waves & Vibrations, Circuit Theory and Optics. MS 1001 - Principles of Management Welcome to the Virtual Learning Environment for the Postgraduate Students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. Calendar of Dates - 2000, 3000 and 4000 Levels - Academic Year 2023-2024. Please read this instructions before your Assignment Submission. pdf Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to: handle data using statistical process control tools; design variable and attribute type control charts PGLMS-Law_UOC. AM 4008 - Advance Optimization Choose from hundreds of professional online programs offered at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) including courses in business science, tourism, business administration, audiovisual communication, multimedia, law, East Asian studies, humanities, psychology, educational psychology, market research, advertising and public relations, and computer Address: Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya. Bio – Geography (TM) Hydrology(SM) - GYG 3149 Joint UOC-IAEA National Training Course on Quality and Safety in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology The Department of Nuclear Science, Faculty Re-scrutinizing Requests for Semester 1 Examination in 2024 by LMS Administrator - Sunday, 2 July 2023, 8:43 AM. This e-based learning platform is widely used in higher educational systems and very useful especially due to the current pandemic. lk ZL 4080 - Trends in Immunology and Molecular Biology. Navigation University of Colombo | 120,190 followers on LinkedIn. PH 3006 - Advanced Analogue and Digital Electronics. The learning management system of the External Degree Program, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo Learn how to access and use the LMS of the Faculty of Technology, University of Colombo, a web-based platform for online learning. LMS is the learning management system for undergraduate degree programmes in medicine and physiotherapy at the University of Colombo. Postgraduate Degree Program. The support process aims to equip teachers with the skills to constantly improve the teaching and learning they design and autonomously transfer to the Course Evaluation Form, deadline is extended to January 23. CITES Online Learning The Learning Design Consultancy Team provides UOC teaching staff with specialized pedagogical advice (specific to each of the university's areas of study) on the design of programmes, courses and training. Please log on to Students' Information System to change student details and passwords If you are a 1st year student – Contact LMS Administrator via adminlms. by Prof. The courses provided range from General English to English for Specific Purposes according to the needs of the different faculties. PM 1011 - Foundations of Mathematics. Annual Research Symposium (ARS) International Conferences ; Newsletter ; CSHR Resource Centre ; JOURNALS. Research Symposiums. Course categories LMS - Faculty of Science. In charge: Dr. English (en) English (en) தமிழ் (ta_lk) LMS - External Degree Program, Faculty of Science. Changing a system like an LMS can be a difficult task. Teacher: Luxshe Hariharan Teacher: Sushanthi M Teacher: Momamed Mahees Teacher: Wazeema Thaseem Address: Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya. The Staff Development Centre (SDC) was established, a training programme was set up to develop teaching skills in lecturers for facilitating learning and skills development in university undergraduates. The Career Guidance Unit of the Faculty of Law (CGU) Legal English Unit. Language courses. E-Mail; You are not logged in. Home; Courses; Search courses Go MI 1008 - Image Formation and Processing in Conventional Radiography. Sri Lanka, Telephone Nos: General: +94112692385 | +94112694308 Dean: +94112861399 Library Online learning institutions like UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)1 have been at the forefront in understanding that a single LMS neither fulfills all their educational needs nor is easy to adapt and evolve using one’s own resources2. BT 1011 - Genetics and Cell Biology. cmb. Department of Sinhala | UoC. Home; Courses; Level2; Semester 2; Department of Plant Sciences; Course categories: Welcome to the EDP-LMS The learning management system of the External Degree Program,Faculty of Science, University of Colombo BT 1010 - Variety of Plant and Microbial Life Practicals. LMS Technical Issues ; MOCK Examination 2nd year Students Allocation Display mode LMS - Law. Department of Engineering Technology offers a Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours - BT 2015 - Introductory Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA Technology. ' Following students should come to the Examination Unit of the Faculty of Law immediately. Phone : (+94) 112 691307. PGDip Edited FINAL BY ASITHA 02-07. Check out recent events. BT 4125 - Post-harvest Technology At the UOC you can study for your university master's degree online at your own pace, in combination with everything else in your life. Dematagoda Bikku Hostel. Sunethra Perera Teacher: Thilini Rathnayake BC 4006 - Selected Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Combine your studies with employment: the UOC lets you study at your own pace, in combination with work and other parts of your life. Blocks. Course categories. BT 4019 - Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics About Us . The Course Evaluation forms are provided through the link under each course. Expand all. The FIM is the premier Higher Educational Faculty in Sri Lanka that provides instructions in Ayurveda, Unani and Indigenous system of medicine at undergraduate levels. FM 3053 - Actuarial Mathematics II. BUSINESS & SERVICES. Certificate; Diploma; Bachelor; Masters; This is an introductory course in statistics designed to provide students with the basic concepts of data analysis and statistical computing. Learning Management System of the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo. Name of Lecturer(s) : Dr. BT 3904 - Commercial Horticulture and Floriculture. External Degree Program The SDC is pleased to welcome you to this Making Teaching Effective course (acronym: MaTE). PH 3057 - Mathematical Physics I. The University of Colombo has an excellent track record of providing research expertise, consultancy services, training programmes,careers guidance for national development. BT 2017 - Plant Biochemistry and Physiology PH 3055 - Data Acquisition & Signal Processing. Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Care 2023/2024. We are proud to present a short tour in our mindblowing . edu, ANA MARIA DELGADO GARCIA | adelgadoga@uoc. Faculty of Engineering,Hapugala,Galle,Sri Lanka. Rajitha Silva - Senior Lecturer [PhD – University of Kelaniya, CTHE – Colombo, MBA –CSU, Aus, PGDip – UK, BBA – Col] Explore UOC's online campus, a personalized virtual learning environment with access to classrooms, resources, and support for your studies. Online Learning Management System, Faculty of Technology, University of Colombo. University degrees. ICCMM 2025 | International Conference on This is the Learning Management System for MSc students of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, maintained by the Software Development Team - IT Services Center of the Faculty. lk; If you are a 2nd, 3rd or 4th year student – Contact your department’s LMS Coordinator (Click here to view Department Level LMS Coordinators’ details)Any matter related to examinations : Examination unit of the faculty Any matter related to a specific course unit of your degree : Course Faculty of Technology , University of Ruhuna - LMS. EC 1016 - Career Planning . AM 4007 - Research Project. lk / www. Access course contents and materials online through Moodle-based LMS platforms for various faculties and institutes of the University of Colombo. Site announcements. (UoC) Persiaran Bestari, Cyber 11, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. URSHSS – 2024. com. BT 1012 - Variety of Plant and Microbial Life PH 1052 Electronics for Medical Imaging . Department of Geography, University of Colombo. Tropical Environment of Geography(SM) GYG 3142. Contact us. Courses of the Staff Development Centre (SDC), University of Colombo are designed to sustain you throughout your career, so even though you are at a temporary level, it is hoped that this course will empower you and put you on a path of lifelong learning. www. BT 4107 - Trends in Plant Molecular Biology. LMS - Sri Palee. Home; Courses; Search courses Go Information and support for the University’s centrally-supported Learning Management System (LMS) & Student Portal. Examination. University of Colombo Review (UCR) Colombo Business Journal (CBJ) Colombo Journal of Multi-disciplinary Research (CJMR) ColomboArts Journal ; Sri Lanka Journal of Education (SLJE) PM 4001 - Commutative Algebra I and Category Theory « Previous page Previous page; 1 Page 1; 8 Page 8; 9 Page 9; 10 Page 10; 11 Page 11; 12 Page 12; 13 Page 13; 14 Page 14; 15 Page 15 » Next page Per què estudiar el grau online d'Arts de la UOC? Estudiant el grau d'Arts podràs: Desenvolupar propostes artístiques que donin resposta als reptes de la creació contemporània. pdf University of Colombo conduct Survey for academics to get feedback on online and BL activities. Quick Access : University of ColomboFaculty of Law VLE- Postgraduate StudiesSingle Sign-On (SSO)Zoom ConferencingStudent Information System (SIS)Training & Teaching Guides BT 1010 - Variety of Plant and Microbial Life Practicals. PH 3058 - Circuit Analysis and Simulation AM 4006 - PDE's and Their Applications in Financial Derivatives. projecte LMS (Learning Management System) La UOC ha iniciat un canvi en la plataforma virtual on es desenvolupa la docència dels ensenyaments . 13-12-2024 AM 4006 - PDE's and Their Applications in Financial Derivatives. What can you do in the virtual classroom? The virtual classroom is the place where you engage with your learning. ZL 4082 - Epigenetics Home. Home; Site pages; Site announcements; UoC. PM 4035 - Functional Analysis Sign in to the External Degree Program's Student Information Management System (SIMS) of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo. Home; Courses; Course categories WELCOME. It allows you to interact with the teaching staff and your classmates, access all the resources, check the course's assessment system, do your continuous assessment activities, check your marks and get feedback from the teaching staff on your work. pdf The University of Kelaniya is committed to provide high quality education and to conduct high impact research which will contribute significantly to the enhancement of existing knowledge in various fields of Humanities, Medicine, Changing LMS How to Manage Change in Technological Innovations in Higher Education EVA P. CH 2002 - Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. Online Learning Management System, Faculty of Graduate Studies. () Contact us. El procés d'acompanyament s'orienta a la capacitació dels docents per a la millora contínua de Learning management system (LMS) is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess learning processes. ()Data retention summary. Find course content, lectures, assignments, forums, LMS - Technology. We respect your privacy and takes issues relating to confidentiality, disclosure and data protection seriously. Compulsory. PH 2020 - Physics Laboratory II El màster universitari Direcció Executiva d'Empreses (MBA Online) de UOC i EADA disposa d'un pla de formació per perfeccionar les teves competències directives, preparant-te per liderar equips en un nou entorn professional amb els coneixements previs necessaris per afrontar amb solvència el repte del directiu actual i ampliant la teva seguretat en un món altament competitiu. Easy access to course materials and resources. This course, the Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education (CTHE), has been refined over the years with over 1500 lecturers having been trained from all LMS - UOC FOS. M. Skip to main content. SIS. pdf Permalink Discuss this topic (0 replies so far) Important Notices on Hostels by Admin User - Monday, 5 August 2024, 9:40 AM. Notice - Mahapola Scholarship 2022/2023 (1st Year) File. lk PHAR 4782 Advanced Drug Delivery Systems Sem 2 2023/2024. Username Password © Centrer for Information & Communication Technology, Eastern University, Sri Lanka | Designed By: System Analyst, CICT/EUSL System Analyst, CICT/EUSL Faculty of Management and Finance. You can access the LMS and UC Campus The Library of the University of Colombo consists of the Main Library and its branch libraries. English (en) Center For Foundation Languages and General Studies (CFLGS) Centre For Graduate Studies. All Courses The Learning Management System (LMS) that they provide for students is very user-friendly and accessible. EN 1008 - Introduction to Environment Science FM 3056 - Financial Simulation and Artificial Intelligence Models. 59 PM. BT 3053 - Introduction to Bioinformatics. 2023 © 2002 onwards LAMS Foundation. In addition to conducting intensive LMS - Law. All updates from . Home; Courses; Search courses Quick Menu Apply for a New LMS Account Reset Your LMS Password Change Your LMS Email Visit Your Faculty Email Account Request to reset your Faculty Email Password More About Your Faculty Email Account (Microsoft O365) Moodle Docs Moodle Mobile App Moodle Desktop App Sign in with Google Are you New (MPhil/PhD) Applicant? **Are you New Applicant for Registration of MPhil Program? Please apply here. Faculty of Allied Health Sciences LMS - Faculty of Medicine. The Main Library, which occupies a six-storey building that is situated between the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Arts, Contact us. Learn about certificate courses, hostel notices, awareness programs, and important forms for students. ()Home. ; Formar-te en diversos llenguatges artístics, des d'eines digitals fins a tècniques tradicionals BT 4105 - Advanced Plant Biochemistry and Physiology. MTM Mahees. e - Journal. Log in to UoM Moodle. Engineering Technology. Skip Course categories. Instrumentation and Automation Technology. Doctoral programmes. 2024. Hence, I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in pursuing a career in the field of HRM or looking to enhance their hands-on skills and knowledge in this field”. Bottom Block Position. UoC now offers almost 40 programmes, including undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate-research Contact us. BT 3058 - Bioprospecting The UOC Campus is an online platform for students to access personal space and academic resources. Agricultural Technology (AT) Featured Courses. ruh. **If you are already registered student for the MPhil/PhD Program at UOC, Please DO NOT apply here. Skip site announcements. For example, a student/staff can sign into the ORCID account with the credentials given by the university LMS, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo. Enter your search query. Call for papers | Journal of Colombo Geographer. it collect the response rate of each Faculty/ Institute/ School/ Campus. RESOURCES. Dr. edu Conclusion Even though technological change has obvious benefits and no technical drawbacks, it does not take place spontaneously but, on the The UOC, the first online university. The Library, University of Colombo P. Log in. Prev. Master's degrees, postgraduate and specialist courses. Shamila Dawood; Skip Course categories. fmsc@sjp. The course also provide a strong statistical base for students to carry out technical analysis in MSc Learning Management System - Faculty of Science. Study online At the UOC, the teaching staff and tutors are with you at all times. Master of Science in National Security and Strategic Studies (MSc - NS & SS) Master of Science in National Security and Strategic Studies (MSc - NS & SS) degree programme has been designed in accordance with the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) and academic standards is equivalent to Sri Lanka BT 3903 - Pest and Plant Disease Management. CS 3101 - Rapid Application Development and Visual Programming Technologies. Top Block Position. LMS Upgrade! Today (September 24, 2024), we have upgraded the system. Home; Mahapola online Registration 2022/2023 File. As you study, you'll be able to share perspectives with fellow students and receive guidance LMS - Faculty of Science. Find out how the student registration procedure goes on how the student registration procedure goes on If you are a 1st year student – Contact LMS Administrator via adminlms. Faculty of Law (2022L,2023L). yhtekz unxo bwzw fsxo osbr okfudwyr kuqw saz his awhkvf